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I wake up to an already awake Alex, yet again. "If I didn't see you sleeping last night, I'd be curious if you ever slept." I tsk.

"You look so gorgeous in my hoodie, look at you." He grins, and kisses my forehead. "What's the plan for today?"

"Since you cooked me such a nice dinner last night, followed by two glorious desserts," I wink, "I'm going to make you breakfast this morning. And then we can shower together, and Jack wants to see us, too, so I invited him over. Then we have other plans that you don't know about yet."

"Mm, sounds good to me, but why don't we cook together?"

I raise my eyebrows, "That's an offer I can't refuse." I giggle, getting out of bed and stretching, aware of his eyes on me.

I make my side of the bed and reach over to kiss Alex, before heading into the kitchen. He comes in a few minutes behind me, and I had everything out for ham and cheese omlettes. I put the clean dishes away from last night as he starts to chop up ham and green onions.

"What song is currently stuck in your head?" He asks me.

"Golden Steps. Neck Deep." I respond.

We sing it together, just messing around, and dance around together.

"I've been stuck in the middle pages,
Hung up on a cross that I created,
Built out of the bones that I've been breaking.
The sign you said you needed,
Is there but you can't see it.
You might be down and out but you're still breathing." He sings, and then kisses me gently.

"If you write the story, you'll find out
We're all stuck on the same page." I sing.

"Cause sometimes things will bend you,
But trust me you'll be fine,
Cause I've been moving mountains
That I once had to climb." We harmonize.

"And life's not out to get you,
Despite the things you've been through,
Cause what you give is what you get,
And it doesn't make sense to make do." I sing.

We continue the song, doing the same thing and kissing eachother every now and then as I whisk the eggs and milk before plopping it into a pan with cheese, adding ham and the onions.

"You're so cute." He grins, kissing my nose.

"I know." I giggle. "You're pretty cute too."

We eat and brush our teeth in comfortable silence, I take a quick shower just to wash my body and face, because he volunteered to clean up after breakfast, and when I get out, I dry off, and pad around my room naked.

"Hey babe?" I call to Alex. He comes in, suprise on his face. The fool expected me to be wearing clothes.


"Do you wear the same size as Jack? I made reservations a few nights ago to go somewhere really nice for dinner."

"Yeah we're about the same size." He answers. I reach up in my closet to grab my pair of brown sandals, and Alex smirks. "I should probably go shower." He chuckles, turning around.

"You don't wanna watch me get dressed?" I playfully pout, bouncing around.

"I would much rather see you stay naked."

"I mean, I wouldn't mind being naked all day, but that would mean Jack would see me naked, and even though he's seen me practically naked before-"

"Mine." Alex cuts me off, pulling me to him quickly. I could feel his heart beating.

I smile triumphantly, "Yours?" I ask.


"What's yours?"

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now