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"Hurry up and take showers, smelly boys. I'm right behind you after I watch their show." I push the guys toward the showers in the dressing room, and one to the bus. "I'll go grab your clothes. We're going out tonight."

I run out to the bus while All Time Low is chatting and bringing people onto the stage to sing a song with the fans, and I grab their clothes and hurry. I run back in and to the dressing room. "Only wash your bodies!" I shout, laughing, since they all have long hair.

I go back and stand sidestage, singing quietly to the music. "Petal, can I ask you a favor?" Brian asks.

"Yes sir?" I nod, hesitantly.

"Will you sing Remembering Sunday with Alex?"

"Oh, uh, sure."

"They're playing it next. Here's your mic."

"Thank you."

He explains to me when to come out, and I do.

I hear my que and I head out, singing my heart out to a song I've always loved. I glance over and see Alex smiling at me and watching me carefully. I look around too, not liking the spotlight on Alex and I, litterally. I can't see much of anything unless I look at Alex or the crowd, or the ground, but I look into the crowd and smile.


Showered and all cleaned up, I meet the guys outside. They were by of All Time Lows bus, and Zack, Alex, and Rian were out there, Jack was supposedly getting dressed.

"Glad you could join us." Alex says smiling.

"Yeah, me too." I mutter. Alex shoots me a look of confusion, but I ignore it. It hurt that he didn't remember it when he definitely wasn't drunk and that it wasn't even a year ago.

It hurt that I hurt him.

I'm overreacting.

Jack finally comes out, and right after, Brian and Ashland come up to us, meeting us, and so does our photographers, Thomas Falcone, and Brittany Allen, "We have to be back by two thirty in the morning, also you have to be in your own buses tonight. Buses leave at three." Brian says, looking more at Jack and Alex. We all nod, and head out in groups into an uber, going to Jacks bar.

I wasn't exstatic to go back there, expecially with these guys, but it wouldn't be a problem. I'm going to have fun.

"Are you alright?" Silas asks in a whisper in the car. All the guys know what happened between Alex and I, but I didn't want to talk about it.

I nod with a smile. "I'm amazing." I'm not lying, either. I just went on a stage with a huge crowd. I sang my heart out, and they loved it.

I was with my band, and I loved that more than anything. Our album was released a little over six months ago, and we went on a tiny tour, but not a big one, and now we're about to tour the world.

We all get to the bar at the same time, and Jack leads us all upstairs to "the VIP section." Jack gets us all the types of alchohol we like, and then we all sit down in a big table.

"Let's play getting to know you games!" Jack says, and then starts, "We're going to play truth or... truth. I don't want to do dares when there's only two girls playing. And you can only ask someone from the opposite bands for now."

We all mutter an okay, and Alex decides to go first. "Who formed the band CMW, Andy?"

"Petal and Silas. They used to preform in talent shows, and they decided they wanted to form a band, I suppose." Andy answers.

"Actually, that just kind of started it, but one day I had friends over, and we were messing around, and Petal had a wild idea that we should form a band, so she brought original songs down that she'd been writing, and we just went from there." Silas explains.

"Andy, ask anyone from our band anything now."

"Rian, what got you into drums?"

Rian answers, and then he asks Silas something, "So Silas, is there a significant other back home?"

"Nope. Andy and Gavin are the only ones in relationships."

The question game goes on, and then  Jack asks me, "What's your biggest sexual fantasy?"

"I want a cute guy to feed me all sorts of different types of potatos while I shop online." I  joke.

Since the band and I order shots, Brittany wanted us to take pictures of us taking shots. I straighten out my leggings I put on and fix my shirt to make sure it isn't messed up.

"You look beautiful, don't worry." Alex says from a few feet away, smiling. I blush and grab the shot, taking the picture and then snaking the liquid down my throat.

"Now we should play truth or dare." Jack says, coming back up with a few girls on his arms. "No rules except for no chickening out, whatsoever."

We all sit back down at the table, girls sitting next to Alex, Jack, Zack, and Silas. I was a little pissed, admittedly. I felt left out.

"Zack, truth or dare?" Silas asks.


"Take a body shot off of the girl next to you."

"Oh, okay." The girl leans back and Zack puts a little bit of salt on her stomach and then slurps vodka out of her bellybutton. Very awkward to watch, but we're all a little tipsy.

When someone asks me, I pick truth because of the wild dares.

"What was your worst sexual experience?" Jack asks.

"Oh dear, uh. Well, it was his first time, and it was really terrible. I started thinking about other things and he got really pissed, I don't know. I wasn't into it because he came after I blew him for like two minutes." I admit.

"That's hilarious." They all laugh.

"He was really hot, but he was totally not after that." I laugh.

"Alright, um, Rian truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you're producing music by yourself, but with the help of the artists that wrote the songs?"

"Absolutely true. Alex, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Alex answers.

"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room for at least three seconds." Rian had a knowing glint in his eyes, and I just stared at the ground, until I heard footsteps shuffling toward me.

Alex ignores all the other girls in the rooms pleading stares besides Brittany, and looks at me, whos hopefully not looking like the other girls, wanting to kiss him so badly. 

He takes my face in his hands and presses his lips rough lips against mine. The kiss was as good as I remembered. I don't kiss back though, I just stay put, in shock, but in a few seconds, I kiss him back. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to hurt myself, but mostly, I don't want to regret anything I didn't do.

After about ten seconds like he was dared, he pulls away, and just walks out of the room. The entire band of All Time Low stares at me. Expecting me to do something.

I was still in a state of shock, but I follow after him. "I'm sorry." I mutter at the group, running after him.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now