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My alarm clock went off, and I definitely wanted more sleep, already and rarely in a bitter mood this morning. Alex rubbed his eyes and yawned bedside me before getting up too, going to the bathroom while I went into the kitchen to make a quick breakfast. I was now awake, humming in the kitchen when Alex came in and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning, angel." He says, starting to make coffee. I should have done that for him, making the coffee.

"Good morning." I respond. "We're planning things out today. I'm excited. Is there anything we should plan around?"

"Well, since we haven't set a date for our wedding, I don't think so."

"I think I want a summer wedding. Beach wedding."

"Well with that, sand would get all over and in your dress, are you sure?" He asks.

"You're right. I just want to be married to you, soon." I lean over and kiss his pretty lips, talking him in. I've wanted to be closer to him lately, kissing, hugging, holding hands, cuddling. I'm just worried he thinks I'm being too clingy.

With that thought I pull away and grab my oatmeal from the microwave, eating it before it gets cold. In a hurry, I leave the vote, dressed and ready to go soon after. Alex stopped me at the door, hand on my hip as he kisses me again.

"I want to be married to you soon, too." He says. "Drive safe. I'll be here unpacking."

"Thank you. I'll be back in a few hours." I shut the door.

I get into my car, not bothering with the radio, and just head into the studio. Rian won't be there, sadly. It's just the band, Lucas, and Walter, deciding part of our schedule for 2019 now that the holidays are over.

I was the last to arrive of the band, unfortunately, but to my pleasure, Lucas was late. "Sorry, guys, I didn't mean to. I meant to be on time, but I was held up with another band."

"It happens to the best of us." I respond. I just wanted to get this meeting over with. The smell of doughnuts that I passed this morning were making me sick to my stomach. Normally, I would love doughnuts, but who needs that much sugar? It's a little nasty. "So I say we tour a little bit while we work on the album, so that way no one thinks that we're up to anything." 

"That's a good idea, but we should.." And it goes on and on, I agreed with a few things, but didn't agree in others. I did not want to take a long tour right now. I need to continue writing songs, and I needed inspiration where I have none. I voiced that, and they agreed, which was good. I am not in the mood to argue.

"Petal, are you okay? You look a little bit pale." Andy notices, Gavin rubs my back.

"Excuse me, I'm going to go use the restroom, I'll be back in a few moments." I was definitely concerned about my health at this point, I never get sick, but today, I feel like a truck hit me. I'm light headed, my gut is wrenching, and I can't seem to walk straight. 

Throwing my insides up into the bathroom stall at work is not the best feeling in the world. I disliked puking in the first place. I didn't like looking down at it, or the hair in my face, or the rancid taste, and I definitely didn't like feeling like shit. cleaning up afterwards, I feel a little bit better. I wanted to go home and crawl into bed and never come out. But I went back into the room after rinsing my mouth out and partaking of a mint. 

I went back into the room, hoping that I looked less disgusting. "Sorry. I'm back." I say, sitting in the chair that I was sat in before, with my hair now tied up because I forgot to take it back down.

"We should reschedule this meeting, is that okay, Petal?" Lucas asked, "I want to make sure that we all know whats going on, and we're all worried about you. I will send an email of what we have planned so far, before we get it approved by Fearless, and then we can decide a date to come back when you're feeling better before we get anything approved. They have given us till November to be finished with this album, so lets get inspiration in the best ways you can." He closes, Gavin  walks me to my car, and tells me that he will follow me home to make sure I get there safely. I love my boys.

Getting home, Alex was surprised to see me. "You're back really early, are you okay?" He asks, the worry clear in his tone. "You've barely been gone three hours."

"I got sick is all." By the thought of doughnuts and all of the sugar in them, like I have an eating disorder when I don't. "I think I'm probably just coming down with the flu, after all it is flu season."

"Alright, well come lay down on the couch, I'll make you some soup and I'll bring you blankets." 

"What a good fiance. I love you."

"I love you too."

Luckily, I was able to keep things down, so that definitely cleared the thought of having an eating disorder from my head. 

Alex holds me close on the couch as we watch Harry Potter movies, he runs his finger through my hair. "Princess, don't um, don't take this the wrong way, but did you have your period in December?"

I just stare at him, thinking. "I ask because it was just a morning thing, and you're a little moody, but that's okay because I still love you." He rushes. "And it's definitely not a bad thing. You're also really cuddly."

I look at my phones calendar, where I have lately kept a log of when I should be on my period and when I shouldn't be. "Alex, I might be pregnant." I tell him excitedly, and he smiles, kissing me all over my face. "We will have to go to the drug store tomorrow, is that okay? Unless you want to go now to get a test. At ten o'clock at night."

"Yes, Yes, I want to go now." He's still grinning like a child, and it makes my heart so very happy. 

"Maybe only I should go in, and put on a beanie with my hair tied up, so you can only see the brown. I could wear the fake glasses, and a dress? I don't want to look suspicious, so..." I trail off.

"No one knows who your mom is, you can call her. I guarantee she will be happy to do it, and she would want to witness this all. Call her, call her, call her." 

I pick my phone back up, dialing my mother. Waiting patiently for the woman to answer. "Hello?" She asks. "Is everything okay?" Alex had his ear pressed to the other side of my phone so he could hear too, both of us knowing this would be funny.

I try not to sound to excited or nervous as I answer her, "Hey, can you come over? But I need you to pick something up on your way."  

"It's late, can it wait for tomorrow? Can Alex get it?"

"Trust me mommy, you want to do this."

"Are we pulling a prank on Silas?"

"Mom." I groan, giggling, "I'm kind of famous now, and so is Alex. So we can't do this ourselves, but hey mom? Do you want to get me a couple pregnancy tests at the drugstore or Walmart?"

I could tell my mom was smiling. "Yes! Of course. I'll be over soon. Drink some water or something and I'll be there soon. I assume if anyone calls and asks what I'm up to to tell them that I'm laying at home? No breathing a word of this to anyone?"

"No breathing a word of this to anyone." I chuckle. "Drive safe, see you soon."

Alex and I waited a bit impatiently for my mother, as we drank water together. Mom finally comes through the door, and we jump up to greet her. She hugs us tightly, and then hands me a grocery bag, and puts the other one on the counter. "let us know when you're done peeing on the sticks." Mother grins.

I go into the bathroom, taking a deep breath before peeing on two sticks and setting them on the edge of the sink. I was beyond anxious, but I walk into the kitchen to wash my hands. Alex snakes his hands around my waist as we stand around my kitchen island anxiously buzzing as we watch the five minute timer on moms phone. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but I really want a baby. I've known that since I was a teenager sitting on my couch doing homework for child development.

The timer goes off, and Alex and I rush into our bathroom excitedly. He looks at me with the biggest smile on his face before he lifts me up and spins me around. My mom smiles with tears in her eyes from the doorway. "I guess you have to call me your queen now, huh?" I tease Alex. 

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now