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My heart was about to explode in my chest, I was so horrified.

Everyone was asleep, and I was too, but then I was jolted awake by turbulance. We have an hour left in this flight, I can do this. It's only eight AM, why couldn't we take the bus?

I put my headphones back into my ear, and try and relax, using the planes WiFi to watch Netflix.

That didn't work to save my life.

Full Frontal? Yes. I was sitting by Jack and Silas, trying not to giggle too much, or get embarassed, how could someone masturbate on a plane? That's disturbing.

It eased my nerves hearing Alex talk, I've listened to these thousands of times before I met them, and they always calmed me down and made me giggle.

I missed him already, because he would have been able to comfort me at this time in person. While I was listening to them chatter, I decided to look through Alexs tweets.

@ AlexAllTimeLow: Sayin goodbye is hard 😢 @ Zackalltimelow I miss you.

@ AlexAllTimeLow: Qouted Tweet: This made my day. [Video]

Jack started to wake up, and he shook his head. "Have you never been on a plane before?" He asks, huskily.

"Just once. It was terrifying. Deathly afraid of them." I respond.

"Oh dear." He chuckles, making fun of me.

"Shut up, Jack." I mutter, hiding my face.

"I'm suprised you haven't ridden the plane of its' alchohol." We both say at the same time, and then giggle. I missed my best friend.

"What are your plans when you get home?" I ask him.

"I'm probably going to go find one of my, um, sexual friends-"

"Friends with benifits." I blush.


"Well, that's definitely you." I giggle.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm going to see my mom."

"That should be fun." He mutters, "You should get a nap first."

"After I go see her." Since it isn't an all day thing.

"Stuborn ass." Jack laughs. "The puffy eyes are unmissable, though."

We continue quietly talking and when we get ready to land, I paniced, buckling my seat belt and trying to relax.


"Is she lucid?" I ask the nurse, signing in.

"Yes ma'am." The nurse grined. I couldn't wait to see her.

I knock on her door in the Assisted living center and she responds worth a come in. "Hey mama!" I grin.

"Hey baby girl, where's your brother?"

"He's on his way." I respond, my moms smile brightens. "How was tour?"

"Mom it was amazing. I never want to stop touring." I smile, "I got home this morning around ten, I hate planes."

"They're terrifying!" She giggles and hugs me. The only thing I didn't like about touring was not seeing my mother. "Did you meet a boy?"

"Tons." I say sarcastically.

"Oh shut up, I meant a boyfriend."

"Do you remember me telling you about the rock star from New Years eve?"

"A little, but I'm sick. You know that." She frowns.

"Hey mama, it's okay!" I kiss her cheek, and begin to repeat the story of New Years Eve. "So we toured with them, and it was amazing. I'd never met the rest of the band I'd dreamed about meeting, and then, suddenly, I'm touring with them." Silas comes into the room and leans on the doorframe.

"Show me a picture of him." My mom smiles, so I pull out my phone and show her pictures of us from on stage, from selfies we took, and pictures just of him. "Well fuck!"

"Mother!" Silas and I scold.

"Sorry." She chuckles, and Silas goes to hug her. "I missed my kids faces, but I appreciate you guys calling me."

"We love you, Mommy." I say.

We continue talking about tour, Silas' sexuality since he still didn't have a girlfriend (resulting in me giggling the entire time), and anything we could think of in the little time she's lucid with way too early onset Alzheimers.

My mother was not Ellis Grey, at all. My mother encouraged me, encouraged Silas, loved us with everything in her, and never let us go hungry.

Mother wasn't a surgeon, but she was a lawyer.

"You're slipping." Silas tells our mother, and hugs her tightly, I do the same, but we stay until she had zero idea who we were or why we were in her room.

Silas gives me a huge hug, and we plan to try abd see Mother everyday. I hug him, and tell him that there's nothing in the world that I need more than sleep.

When I get home, I pull out my phone and see that Alex called.

I call him back, and the dial tone only tings three times before he answers, "Hey baby, did you get home safe?"

"I did." I yawn, "I just got home."

"That took you a while? Jack said he got home the hours ago."

"I went to go see my mom." I smile. Alex doesn't know that my moms sick. "I'm glad you got home safe."

"Me too. I was glad to get back into my own bed, although, it'd feel much better with you in it."

Blushing, I respond, "Did your dogs miss you? Have you seen your parents yet?"

"They did, and they came by this morning." He probably smiles, "Baby you sound really sleepy."

"I am." I admit. "I hate planes, but I'll get used to them."

"You really should get since sleep, Princess."

I'd rather talk to you. "You can't see me, but I'm pouting. And just to keep you thinking of me? I sleep in my underwear at home."

He laughs, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Gaskarth." I hang up the phone and strip down to my underwear before climbing into my bed and grabbing a pillow from the opposite side of my bed to hug it, thinking of Alex.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now