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The song is 5 Seconds Of Summer, She Looks So Perfect

A week and a half later.

"I actually have a suprise, for all of you." I chuckle into the mic, I'll be right back," I grin, jumping side stage while Silas tells a joke.

"Alex?" I peer around, he's supposed to sing a duet with me that I wrote on the EP. "Fuckin' great." I scoff, walking away. I see Jack side stage, and I make him get down in his underwear, he does it without any complaints. He had just seen Alex too, Alex still oblivious of me two feet from him, watching in shame as he sucked the face of another girl.

"So, Alex was going to sing a duet with me, but he's a little tied up at the moment, so Jack, c'mon out." I put on a fake smile and voice, so that no one could tell I was beyond pissed.

"Genuinely, this was a spur of the moment thing. I didn't want to disappoint anyone. Even though I probably still did. " I chuckle, guiltily and shuffle my feet on the ground.

Why didn't Ashland say anything?

I turn around and quickly tell the guys the song we're about to do.

"This is a cover of a song I love! Lets go!"

"Simmer down, simmer down
They say we're too young now to amount to anything else
But look around
We work too damn hard for this just to give it up now
If you don't swim, you'll drown
But don't move, honey

"You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down."

While Silas does the "hey, hey" whatever, I point at Jack. "Doesn't he look great?" He was dancing around and ran to kiss my cheek, making me giggle.

I continue the song, and finish with a different one after Jack goes away. "Thanks for being a sweet crowd. I'll see you again!" I blow a kiss to the crowd and walk off of the stage, being beyond pissed off.

What does she have that I don't?

Alex tried to talk to me, but I ignored him and walked off. "Good luck man, when she's pissed, she doesn't stop being pissed for a few days." Gavin sympathizes with Alex. I don't want to tell anyone what happened, and I'm not going to.

I wait for All Time Low to go on stage. I'm not gonna be a cunt and quit on him just because he did with me.

I wait for a little while and then head out at my que, singing, bowing, and walking off and going to my bus.

"If Alex comes by tell him I already went to bed. I don't want to talk to him." I mutter at the guys, going into the bathroom, taking off my makeup before climbing into bed in my sports bra and sweat pants.

I put my headphones in and scroll through twitter on my phone, my mentions blowing up.

@AltPress: @AlexAllTimeLow bailed on Catch Me Weeping, watch the lead, @PetalCMW pissed off & what they did to improvise: [Link]

Many retweets, many responds. I ignored them. How the hell did they know that so fast? My interview with them tomorrow is going to piss me off, but I shouldn't do that.

@PetalCMW: @AltPress, that's my face, haha. We improvised. Alex was busy. It was no big deal.

I tweet back, pissed.

Why would I even care? Admittedly, I like him. I like kissing him, but we aren't exclusive. I shouldn't be mad. He didn't cheat on me.

Admittedly I'm less pissed that he didn't sing with me, but I'm pissed that I'm a huge disappointment.

I hear a knock on the bus door, and someone comes into my room. "You didn't say Jack couldn't come back." Gavin calls out. I grumble and hop out of bed.

"Hey Jack." I smile, sheepishly.

"Damn, I'm really sorry he did that." Jack sighs, I put my finger to my lips, asking him silently to be quiet.

"Oh don't worry, I don't care that much." I chuckle. "He has a reputation for it. It's no big deal. I mean, I'm pissed, but it doesn't matter."

"He doesn't want to admit that he likes you. He's like that."

"I'll admit that I like him, but what he did, it didn't suprise me. I'm not mad about it, I'm a little sad, but I'll be okay. Please don't tell him I'm mad or anything. I just- I think I need time away from him."

"Alright, well, I'm taking you out tomorrow. We're going to the shopping center since we have a day off, and we're gonna go see a movie." He smiles.

"Alright, but I have an interview at noon, can we go after?" I ask. He nods and hugs me.

"Glad you don't stink." I mutter, joking. "Wanna watch Netflix with me?"

Jack smiles and I lead him to the back room after grabbing my laptop. Jack put his arm around me so that he could sit comfortable, but that was fine, because I needed the company and the comfort, and he's meaning this as a friend.

I was left once again thinking as I cuddled into Jack, what did she have that I didn't?

Her boobs were better, and I guess she had a nice ass in the jeans she had been wearing. "I'll be back." I tell Jack, getting up in the middle of Arrow to take my medication, which I had forgotten to take this morning, and I sat on the bathroom toilet, wiping at my eyes that stupidly cried.

I hear Jack pause Arrow, and his footsteps padded to the locked bathroom door. "Are you okay, Pet? You've been in there a good ten minutes." He stated quietly, "Are you pooping?"

I giggle, "I'll be out in a minute Jack." I get off of the toilet, flush it to make an excuse, spray air freshner, and wash my face, trying to wash away the evidence that I'm a crybaby.

Jack smothers me in a hug. "What's this for?" I giggle.

"I missed you while you were in there."

"Will you lay with me in my bed with me?" I ask, still hugging him. "No funny business. I just want to be held."

"Yeah, no problem. I'll just text Brian and tell him I'm staying here tonight."

I get into the bunk, waiting for Jack, who grabs my laptop and climbs into the top bunk with me. I shut down the laptop and put it away before laying back down.

My phone vibrates again, and I let out a huff, deciding to open the message.

Alex// I'm so sorry, Petal. I should have been there to sing with you.

Alex// I can explain, Petal.

Alex// Please let me.

Alex// I hope you sleep well.

Alex// Please don't do anything with Jack.

I scoff. "What?" Jack asks.

I show him my phone and he scoffs too. "If I wanted to try something with you, it would have happened a month ago. You deserve a relationship and I'm not ready for one, and I don't think I ever will be." He frowns.

I decided to text him back anyway.

Petal// What? You can suck a girls lips off of her face, but I can't cuddle with Jack?

Jack snickers and wraps his arm around me as I turn my phone off. "I'm just a hit and run anyway." I yawn.

"You're really not. You deserve more. So do all the girls I've been with."

"I've always been just a hit and run, Jack." I mutter. "I've never been loved in a relationship. Just cheated on and bullshitted."

He says something else, but I ignore him and do my best to shut my mind off.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now