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"Damn." I mutter, shutting my eyes hard.

"I guess the many glasses of water last night didn't help huh?" Jack quietly comments. I burry my head in his lap, where I fell asleep last night.

"I don't even remember getting back." I frown.

"Allow me to fill you in a little bit." Silas says, handing me a bottle of water and pain meds.

"You were really mad at me, but I expained what really happened, allow me to explain that again, I didn't know he used you. I didn't know he triggered your depression all those years ago. When you told me how he used you and told you how we would never make it, and then he decides to show up for the show, I took him out back, and punched him."

"He could press charges!" I worry. "Talking about that I remember."

"Trust me, he won't."

"You left without telling us, so you need to do that from now on, no matter how mad you are, you scared us." Jack says, stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry." I frown. "I wasn't in the right state of mind."

"It's alright. Also, you might want to talk to Alex when you're feeling better."

"Oh, what happened there?" I roll my eyes.

"You'll see." Jack grins.


"Nuh-uh. Go shower, you smell like vodka and puke." Jack smirks.

"So kind." I roll my eyes.

"When you get out I'll have greasy food cooked." Silas chucked.

I shower, making sure to wash my hair really good and body just as good, and get out, put on makeup to cover my eye bags of obvious hang overs. I put on sweatpants and my sports bra, and then go back in there with my hair tied up.

"Ah, you don't stink anymore, congratulations." Gavin laughs.

"Feed the beast before she hurts you." Andy mutters, sipping his coffee.

Silas places food in front of me and I eat it, happily as I take an ibuprofen and drink a glass of water.

"We're at the next venue, right? And we play at eight?"

"Yep. It's noon now. You have plenty of time to talk to Alex and take a nap." Jack responds.


Petal// Hey, meet me outside?

I text.

I remember coming to the realization that I want to be with him, even if he doesnt want to be exclusive. I miss his kisses, and I miss his hugs.

My headache isn't as bad anymore, and I can focus on everything, and laugh now, so it's a good idea to talk to Alex before I chicken out.

I wash the dishes real quick and when my phone tings with a response. I head out, letting the guys know.

When I lock eyes with Alex, he gently smiles, and I look away, just to catch up with him.

"Alex, I don't know what we talked about last night, but aparently we did." I look into his eyes, "Care to fill me in?"

"You told me how you feel, that you'd want to be with me even if it meant not being exclusive," He starts, "But I want to be with you. I want to be exclusive. I want to fall in love with you, even if it takes time. Because we both know that I like you a lot."

"I'm willing to take my chances on loving you." He finishes.

"I don't want to hurt you." I frown, looking into his eyes.

"Hurting eachother is inevitable. We'll fight, we'll argue, but I'm okay with that." He convinces me. "And then, we kissed, and if it's okay with you, I'd like to do it again." He bites his lip and I lean in, aching for our lips to touch.

When they connect, I get butterflies, moving our lips smoothly, even though his are chapped, his hand reaches up tongently touch my face, and I smile.

"Petal, can we become exclusive? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, pulling back just a little, our foreheads touching.

"Yes, Alexander." I smile, and kiss him again, he rests his other hand cold on my bare-skinned hip, and I get tingles around where he touched.

"It's about damn time." Jack says, busting out the door, our kiss breaks in suprise both of our heads smacking together, leaving Jack to laugh, and I accidentally bit Alexs lip pretty hard.

Alex groans, sucking his lip, and I look at him concerned, "Oh jeez, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay." He smiles, rubbing his head and slipping his lip back into his mouth.

"Were you seriously watching us?" Alex sighs. "Not cool, man."

I giggle, "I mean, they'd find out anyway."

"True." He responds.

"Wanna watch Netflix?" I ask.

"We have to start something different than Arrow, Alex would be lost." Jack responds. "But yeah, I was just going to change clothes."

"What do you want to watch Alex?" I ask.

"Whatever you and Jack want is fine."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Jack raises his eyebrows. "Because after Arrow we planned to watch Greys Anatomy, and I don't know if you'll like it."

"Let's watch it. It can't be too bad."

"No complaints, then." I murmur. "It can be traumatic and heart breaking. I can promise that you'll cry."

"I'll still watch it. Whatever makes you happy."

"Well then here we go." I grin mischievously.

"You've already watched all of them?" Jack asks.

"At least three times." I laugh.

Jack walks back to his bus to change and take a fast shower, and when he comes back, hair wet and looking fresh, I press play on Greys Anatomy.

"Merideth is so beautiful." I mutter

"Bet she looks good naked." Jack laughs, earning a playful shove, but he pushes me back, so I pout in turn and decide to just lay my head on Alexs shoulder. Who strokes my hair, making me extremely comfortable.

Silas comes in, and sighs, "Again?" He laughs, refering to the show.

"It's my favorite, leave me alone." I laugh.

"I'm not up for this heart break." And yet he sits on the other couch, watching intently. I chuckle. I love these boys.

Brit doesn't show herself much, but when she does, it's just to take pictures.

& Ashland always seems to be watching me like a hawk, it's rare moments when he's not around. He makes me uncomfortable. He's ten years older than me, what's his problem?

"How can they even kiss in an elevator after an argument, only going up four floors. Elevators are super fast?" Silas points out at some point.

Alexs hand is now on my waist again, his thumb rubbing circles. "I think about that every time they do stuff in an elevator." I mutter.

"Stuff?" Jack giggles, wiggling his eyebrows.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now