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"Silas has an extra room, as you know, so you'll be staying with him." I tell mom, whos smiling and happy to be awake. As we're sitting in the car on the way to Silas' home, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she's lucid, that she's okay. That she won't ever experience that again. I love this feeling. I love my mother. I missed her.

"You guys have to fill me in on everything." My mother grins. "I remember some things. Like Silas having a girlfriend and not telling me who she is, but that's been on a while. And your band released an album. I want to hear."

The doctors didn't expect mom to handle this so well, but she was. It seemed so, at least.

"Petal has a boyfriend." Silas hums, sticking his tounge out at me in the rear view mirror.

Mom looks over at me, shocked. "Really? How long had it been since you had one before him?"

"Mom! I've dated, many times!" I laugh.

"Casually and not looking for anything relationship wise." Silas mutters.

"Oh well, I'm happy now." We drop the subject, but I know mom will bring it up later when Silas wouldn't be around to butt in.

Silas hands me his phone and tells me to stream our album, so I do. Mom, the sweet angel, tears up. "My babies voices are so good, and their band is so good. When can I see the boys again?"

"Later today mama, they'll be over if you want." Silas smiles.

"Good." She returns the smile.

A few hours later, Silas goes out to go grocery shopping, and mom and I stay there so that we could gossip about Alex and the boys while our album plays in the back ground.

"So tell me, does Gavin have a boyfriend?" She jumps in.

"No, they broke up about five months ago, but he has a thing for our tour manager. And our tour manager likes him back, they're just stuborn and won't admit anything to eachother. Well, no, Walter doesn't want to rush into things, but Gav totally flirts." I explain.

"Gavin should go to a gay bar and pick someone out, bring them home, 'drunk dial' what'd you say his name is?"


"Walter, and then say that he misses him before taking the guy home, and if Walters smart he'll go to stop Gavin from bringing the guy home."

"Mom that's a little crazy, don't you think?" I shake my head. "Gavin should just ask him on a date."

"Yeah." She paused, "On second thought bad idea. Even if Gavin and Walter can't get pregnant, I don't want them to fall in love just to get hurt."

"Hurting is inevitable." I respond. "It's whether you leave when it gets tough or not that matters."

My mom nods in understanding, "You used to run when things got hard. Who taught you not to? You were scared and would never listen to me."

"When you got sick, I thought about booting it out the backdoor. I didn't want to see you get bad, or nor remember my name. I stayed mom. You got better. You taught me. You taught me. Every day on tour, Silas and I would call you together. And you loved it. Even when you didn't know who we were. I'm glad you're better." I hug my mother again, being very cautious not to hurt her.

"We wrote House Of Gold for you." I tell her. "It's the next song on the album." We didn't listen to it anymore in the car, so I had been showing her the last two songs on the album now.  House Of Gold is the last song.

We listen silently, as I braid my mothers hair. She smiles at the song and I hear her sniffling at the end. She turns back around. "I don't want to talk about my feelings." She smiles, "But that was beautiful and I'm very proud of you kids. I love you." She hugs me.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now