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December 31 2015

"We have got to celebrate." Andy says, smiling. "Let's go to that new bar that opened up."

Jack Barakats bar. I've seen lots of rave about it.

When we walk into it, our song that we recently released is playing. I jump up and down, excited as hell to hear it, and go order a tray of shots for my buddies and I.

"Cheers to going being done with our album!" Silas shouts, grabbing a shot of whiskey.

"We have done a lot of work. I'm so proud of you guys. I'm very glad to be off of vocal rest. I love you." I toast, feeling eyes on us. I down a shot and sit down, smiling at my boys.

I look around the bar because a loud pop and then shouting goes off, and I see Jack Barakat popping a bottle of Champagne open.

I continue looking, and see Alex, Rian, and Cassadee Pope along with a bunch of other people, and I began to get nervous.

Some of my favorite people are right in front of me. For the few minutes before I saw that, I didn't remember how this is Jacks bar.

"Andy, come dance with me." I pop my lip out, partially begging.

"Alright." He sighs, giving in. I take his arm and dance with him, just my arms around his neck and his hands on my waist, us standing at least six inches apart.

He talks about a cute girl that he sees across the way, and I stick my tounge out at him, letting him go dance with her. I go back to the table and down another shot, a bit bugged how I was just left. I look around the bar to find someone to dance with, and I see no one.

"Why don't you go talk to your idols?" Silas asks.

"They wouldn't want to talk to me." I say. "They're also busy."

"They wouldn't mind. You wouldn't mind it either if a fan came up to you."  Gavin reasons.

"Silas, Gavin. The answer is no. They'd have to approach me. One in a million chance." I hear footsteps behind me, and the guys eyes go wide.

"Excuse me?" A voice I'd know anywhere asks. I turn my head to look at him.

"Y-yes?" I ask.

"Couldn't help, but to notice how pretty you are." Alex mutters, smiling, nondrunken.

"Oh, um, thanks. What's your name? Would you like to sit with us?" I pretend like I have no idea who he is.

"My name is Alex. What's yours?" Taking a seat beside me in the booth.

"Petal." I smile.

"That's a gorgeous name. Are you guys from around here?"

"Kind of. We moved here were recording an album, only we just finished today." Silas answers.

"That's so cool! What kind of music?"

"Pop punk?" I question the guys. "Pop punk."

"Us too! You might have actually heard of us."

I have most definitely heard of you guys. You were an inspiration.

"What's your band?" I ask. Praying that the guys will please play along.

"All Time Low."

"We actually know that." Gavin comments, Silas elbowing him in the ribs.

"Yeah..." I smile sheepishly. "You guys are an inspiration to us, just less dick jokes on our parts." I chuckle.

"Well, I'm very glad you guys continued. I can't wait to hear your music. What's your bands name?"

"Catch Me Weeping." I answer.

"Wasn't there a song by you guys playing through the speakers earlier?"

"Yeah, it was called Golden Days. We released it last month."

"I really think you guys should keep at it. I wish you all the best. May I ask you to dance, Petal?"

"You can ask." I tease.

"Petal, would you like to dance with me?"

"I would like that, Mister Alex." I respond, smiling.

He takes my hand and we go to the dancefloor, he raises his arms awkwardly and moves to the beat, and so he isn't alone, I do the same. We both end up giggling, but continually dancing, but he stumbles a tiny bit here and there. I couldn't tell if that's Alex being Alex, or if he's tipsy.

"Will you be my New Years kiss?" Alex asks.

Now, I don't know about anyone else, but I'd love to kiss Alex Gaskarth. Even if it won't mean anything to him, besides. It shouldn't mean anything to me, it didn't mean anything to my Mother when Garth Brooks kissed her some odd years ago.

"I think I'd like that." I reply.

"You only think?" He pouts.

"Nah, I'd enjoy it." I wink.

He smiles. "I think you're really beautiful Petal, and I'm glad you're here."

"I'm glad I got to meet you, Alex."

"Me too."

"10!" People started shouting.









"1!" Alex leans into me and locks his lips with mine, kissing me softly. My knees went numb, and so did my entire being. His lips were rough, but in a nice way. I wanted to kiss them for a long time.

I pulled away first, and he was smiling, I suppose I was too.

"That was one hell of a kiss." He mutters, looking into my eyes.

"Yes it was." I whisper.

"Wanna do it again?"

I respond by leaning in, and kissing him again. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me pretty close to him, and I touch his face with my hand. Genuinely, I didn't want to stop, the kissing is amazing, but I don't want to get into anything more than a brilliant kiss.

So we didn't stop. We kept kissing for what felt like two seconds, until Silas pulled me away, damn that brother.

"Alex, I have to go, but I hope to see you again." I frown, and he does too.

"Yeah. See you." He says, sadly, but Silas pulls me away at a fast pace and I have to keep up. I feel like I hurt Alex. That's my worst nightmare, coming true.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now