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I woke up to a clamor in the morning. I yawned and wanted to fight the girls that were in the bathroom, "Hey, the pregnant woman needs her beauty sleep. LET THE PREGNANT WOMAN SLEEP TEN MORE MINUTES."

They quiet down, quickly, and then a loud knock sounds on the door. I wanted to scream as I scrambled out of the bed to see Jack at the door. "Hey princess." He starts.

I stomped my foot a little bit. "I just want to sleep!"

"You will have plenty of that when you're dead, but for now, get your pregnant butt ready for your wedding in two hours. I was asked to come wake your ass up. Do you realize that it's noon and you're getting married soon!"

I honestly forgot, because I was so asleep in a dreamless space. How could I forget? "Anyway, the marrying man knows that you guys are saying your own vows. Do you have them?"

"I do."

"Good. Remember to also say that!" He jokes.

"I won't forget." I smile.

"Hurry up and get in here so I can do your makeup!" Allie shouts.

"Yes, Maid of honor, get in here." I wink at Jack.

"No no no, best man. Not Maid Of Honnor."

"I know, now leave so Alex won't be pissed off that you've seen me naked again, and right before the wedding." I shut the door on Jack.

"Jack saw you naked?" Mom asks, struck as I come into the bathroom.

"It was before Alex and I were dating and it was a little over year ago. It was never anything sexual." I defend myself, laughing.

"Still makes you wonder." Allie comments.

"Drop it." I laugh. Stripping off my pajamas she hands me lingere? "There's no damn way I'm wearing that. I'm just wearing regular panties and a regular bra."

Mom and Allie both give me a look and Mom says, "Petal it's silk it's not going to be uncomfortable, wear the damn bralette and tight panties."

I did what she said, even if it killed me. About an hour later, we were on our way to the altar. I had been wearing a white silk dress to my knees. Mom and Allie are all wearing silk maroon dresses.

I hope someone tied Alexs' tie right.

Getting to the venue Jack and Silas meet the car outside, Tom snapping pictures as Silas helps me out. "Hello again ladies. You look gorgeous." Jack says.

Allie just tries not to look at Silas. Something definitely happened. Jack kisses my cheek before he runs back up with Tom.

We walk slowly up the stairs, my heels luckily not catching on anything on the stairs as I hold Silas' arm.

We made up last week from our big fight of him saying I had been making a ton of mistakes. I didn't think any of this would be a mistake at all, and it isn't. I know it isn't.

"Five minutes before we go in, are you ready?"

"Do I look okay?"

"You look gorgeous." He hands me my flowers after I straighten out my dress and check my curls yet again.

I couldn't help the nerves that were caught inside my stomach. I thought bank to all of our stupid and pointless fights and the fact that our story had barely any plot at all. This was good. It was comfortable.

"I'm ready." I nod gently.

"Good because it's time!" Allie pushes.

The doors opened after Silas had wraped his arm in mine. I took a deep breath before looking up at Alex. His eyes were shining amd his smile was bright. "Hello sexy." He mouths. I roll my eyes as Silas and I walk.

Silas hands me over to him after kissing my cheek. Alex whispers in my ear, "Holy fuck you look like a gorgeous princess."

"Thank you, thank you." I mutter, teasing. "But, I am the queen."

He grins. All the shazam happens, and then it had been time to give our vows before we kissed and were married.

Alex had a shaky voice, "I love you so much, Ive thought about you quite often since over a year ago, in January when we bumped into eachother at the bar." He continues, "You were sometimes worried that I didn't love you, that I didn't want to be with you anymore. That I didn't want to hold your hand, every day. I do.

"I want to be with you, forever. You're the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. You're the sweetest, and you're housing a child. My child. I needed that. I needed you to pull me back onto my feet.

"And I promise, and I swear, that I will never leave you, or my little baby inside of you, or our future children after this baby. You are the love of my life, my world. I love you so much. And you're not ever going to leave me, either, you're stuck with me.

"I vow to never hurt you on purpose, never to hold you back. I vow to love you no matter what, I vow to stay with you in sickness, in health, and in every little fight. I vow to take care of our babies while you're on tour, and I vow to take care of you. I love you. I vow to be with you."

If I were to say that I hadn't been crying, I would be lying. I could hear Toms' camera snapping pictures as Alex puts the ring on my finger.

"A couple years ago, I fell in love with a loser for his hair, his music style, his attitude about life, his purpose, and who he is, but you know, since Pete Wentz is married and I can't marry him. I'm here with you, which is even better..." I say, chuckling.

"I love this man, in front of me, more than I've ever loved anyone else before. I've loved a few times, but this one, this man is real. He bas a heart of gold, and a hand to hold. I will hold that hand for the rest of my life. I will love this man, the rest of my life. I love him, a buttload."

Tripping over my words, I continued. "We said forever, and forever wouldn't wait for us. Thats why we're here now, but I'm hopefully not a beartache, but I hope I'm your last love, other than our children.

"I vow that I will always be here for you, loving you, staying loyal to you, making up when we get into stupid fights. I vow to be there with you through it all."

I put the ring on his finger as I say the last part, "Pete Wentz may be missing out, but I've got someone much, much better than Pete. I have you, Alex. And I vow to keep you happy." His eyes shined with light tears and a goofy smile that I pray I never forget.

I wanted to kiss him now, one hundred times, for one hundred seconds each.

We both said our I dos' and the words you may now kiss the bride had me all jumpy as Alex placed his lips onto mine. He wrapped his arms around me, people cheered, Tom got his photos, and so on. I felt on top of the world.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now