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Okay so :) I have a very loyal reader & I just want to thank them. You guys should check their work out! therutabaga 💓 thank you!
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A week later

"Why the hell would they ask so many questions about me?" I grumble, talking to Silas about an interview All Time Low just had.

"Forget about that, Alex clearly wants to be with you. Besides, they asked like two questions out of twenty about your relationship."

"Well, when he comes out to say that he wants to quit playing games, that'll be great." I roll my eyes as we walk to the venue, wearing a dark blue crop top and holy light blue jeans.

"Jack!" I call out, seeing my lanky best friend at the door. He bounds over to us and wraps me in a hug. "Nice to hug you while you smell good." I mutter before we go in.

"Shut up." He chuckles as we go in.

"Wanna take a peak at the crowd?" Jack asks, smiling. "The stage lights are off, we could look."

We go onto the stage, and I couldn't help but stare in aw, I'm so lucky to play in this venue with my family and my friends. "Wow." I murmur.

I look at the people in the front and I cringe hard. "What?" Jack asks.

"Wicked bitch of my ex-boyfriend." I snarl, and walk off of the stage.

Jack follows me and asks me about him, and I hug him, "He's the guy I wrote St. Patrick about. I loved him and he left me. He fucking left me because he thought my dream was stupid, and now here he is." I want to punch a wall.

"He was Silas' best friend." I pull my hair up into a bun. I wish I had hickeys just to piss him off. "I fucking gave up my virginity to him." I snarl.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. He won't go anywhere near you if I can help it. I've got your back, Petal."

"Alright Jack." I hug him tightly. "I should really get ready." I start warming up my voice.

When it's time to go on stage, I smile at everyone. "What's up Ohio!?" I shout. "We're Catch Me Weeping and this is Golden Days!" The guitars and drums start and I belt it all out, looking at what I could see in the crowd, but avoiding Ethans eyes.

"Thanks for allowing us to live our dreams! If you have a dream, promise me that you'll follow it. Even if it's owning six thousand dogs. Live your dream. Goodnight!" I smile as the light shuts out.

"Petal, did you see Ethan? That's so cool that he's here." Silas jumps around.

"Well why don't you go talk to him?" I mutter, not giving a fuck anymore.

"I'm gonna invite him to the bus."

"Do that and I'll sleep with Jack."

"Don't you dare have sex with anyone." Silas demands in a whisper.

"I meant actually sleep, dumbass." I spit, angrily and quietly. "And who the hell are you to tell me what to do and not do?"

"Because after you slept with Ethan, it was awkward and then he left." He fumes.

I acted on impulse, and I pulled my hand back, slapping Silas hard across the face.

"What a shame." I chuckle. "That your best friend was a fuck boy and made your sister fall in love with him, dumped her after begging her for sex, and then still hung around. Do whatever you fucking want Silas. I'm done with you tonight.

"And by the way? It was awkward because he didn't think we were good enough to ever be where we are today, he thought it was the stupidest thing he'd ever see me do. But look at us now."

I walk away and to Brian, avoiding onlooking eyes of All Time Low and CMW, "I'll be in my dressing room, I'll listen for the song before Remembering." Brian nods.

I was being unreasonable. A part of me knew that, but I felt like my world was burning with how mad I was at Silas.

I start to hear the song before Remembering Sunday and I head back out and to side stage, I dried my tears, thanked myself for wearing waterproof liner and maskara. I grab the mic and head out, hearing cheers.

As always, I put my heart into it, but you could hear my heartbreak in my voice when I saw Silas and Nathan walking out one of the doors. I perk up as best as I can and harmonize with the last part of the song.

Alex looks at me with a lot of concern, but I smile at him and bow, I thought about kissing Alexs' cheek, or any of theirs, but it didn't matter. He left.

Why would he come back? I was hurt. I left the stage, handing my mic to Brian before heading outside.

It's time to do something stupid.


Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now