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"So nothing too special has happened?" Silas asks.

"Well I considered all of it being special." I respond. My brows furrowing. "He's taking me to dinner tonight though."

"That sounds really fun!" Andy says, "Where at?"

"I have no idea." I laugh. "It's been a really good day, though."

"What all have you done?" Mom asks.

"He made me a delicious breakfast in bed, we had gone shopping, and we cuddled for a while when we got back home watching the live action Beauty And The Beast with Emma Watson." I definitely was not going to tell them that we took a bath together and showered. I wanted that to be kept from my family. They wouldn't want to know. And? We didn't watch Beauty And The Beast, it just came to mind.

I couldn't wait to tell Jack, though. I mean, he already knows that we were in the bath together, but he didn't know that it had been my first time with someone else. But Jack knew how nervous I used to get before Skyping him in the bath, or just showering with him. Hell, I had been beyond nervous to go to the beach with him and to have sex with him.

I'm not self-concious about my body, but I used to be. I learned to love myself, and to not let my happiness depend on others. But Alexs' opinion matters very much to me.

I continue talking to them as I touched up my makeup and curled my hair. I missed them so much. "Well, I've got to go now, I love you guys. Bye." I blow them a kiss and hang up.

I go into the living room to see Alex laying down comfortably on the couch in his boxers. We had a little while before we had to leave, still, so I straddled him and kissed his bare chest, wearing my sweatshirt that I had on this morning with panties on.

"I can't wait to see you in a dress again. I love when you wear dresses." He mutters, running a hand through my hair. "Can I ask you something?" I wanted to pick on him, and tell him that he just did, but I knew he was serious. He had a loving look in his eyes as he asked; "Why is it that you love me?"

"I can think of a million reasons." I smile down at him, looking into his eyes as I speak. "I love how you care so very much about your fans, and how you smile at them. I love how even when you're mad, you have a soft spot for me. Even when you're mad at me, the anger doesnt last long. I love how your eyes shine when you talk about things you love, and how you can talk about them for hours and I'll never be annoyed by them.

"I love that when I go to bed and you come in later, you still wrap your arms around me in a protective way. I love that you don't snore because you breathe through your mouth at night. I love how when you laugh, the whole world does too. And when you're sad, the world is too. I didn't mean the people, I mean the day seems gloomy." He had his eyes closed, relaxed as he took this all in as if the words were the sun on the beach.

"I even love when you get an attitude with me. It's nice knowing that I can piss you off and that you're not always just two emotions? That sounds rude, but it's not. It's exciting, you know. Anyway, I love that. I love your smile, too. And I live for the little things about you, that I can't even explain.

"Like how you close your eyes while laughing, and the smile lasts on your lips for a while.

"I love that you crack jokes to cheer people up, and I love your silliness when you're drunk. I also appreciate it when you don't puke on my shoes at that time. I love that you have so much passion for most everything you do."

He's smiling brightly, holding my hips, but I'm not done. "I admire you admiring me even when I have bad days. I love that even when I push you away, that you stay. I love that you help me become a better person. I love that when we fight or when I'm sad, you'll go out of your way to make sure that I'm okay. That you'll be known to be there."

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now