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Two days later

I love everything about touring, even the days off that we get every now and then, and I'm thanking Brian immensely for scheduling a day off later.

The past two days, Petal and I haven't really gotten to bsee eachother. They had their first M&G, and All Time Low had one after that. Before both of those, we had interviews and sound check.

For the rest of America, they'll have meet and greets every night too. It makes me so happy to see them growing, and to see Petal so happy.

We were finally going on a real date this morning. I brushed my teeth, straightened my hair, and got ready to pick her up so we could go, basically I'm picking her up just to put us in an uber.

I had plans for us to go to the beach, since it's Florida, and I was beyond excited to take her. Not only would I see her in a bikini, but also because I know that's what she likes, being by water.

Petal isn't that pale, but she isn't too tan either, but that doesn't matter to me. She's beyond beautiful.

I get a notification saying the uber will be here in five minutes, and I go to get Petal. She has skinny pale light blue jeans on, a white Aspire & Create tshirt on and a strapless dark blue bikini that stands out against her hair that was down and flowing.

"Alexander, you look nice." She leans over and kisses my lips, hers plump and hydrated, mine more than likely the opposite.

I hardly ever let anyone call me Alexander, but when she does it, it sounded gorgeous.

"Mm, thank you princess."

She kisses me softly, "Our ride is here." She mutters, pulling back.

"I suppose it is." I smirk. "Ready for the best day off, ever?"

"I am." She grins. "Where are we headed?"

"To a breakfast resturaunt. It's eight in the morning, and the guys will be meeting us around four for paintball."

"This will be fun." She grins as I open the car door for her and climbs in.

We pull up at a Dennys and her eyes light up, "I haven't been into one of these since the morning of tour."

"The boys told me how much you love this place. I'm glad I could take you."

We get a table, choosing what to eat, she gets a ham and cheese omelette and I get something similar.

I smile at my beautiful girlfriend as she takes a sip of bitter warm creamed coffee, "You're so gorgeous." I mutter, and reach to hold her hand.

"I know." She blushes, "You're cute too, Caterpillar." That one was new.

"I like you a lot." I tell her, and kiss her hand.

"I like you a lot, too, Alex."

"Good, because you're stuck with me the rest of the year." I murmur. "And hopefully longer." I look down at her through my eyelashes and she's blushing.

Genuinely I could drop dead, she's such a goddess. Her dark blue bikini standing out against her tanned skin when she took her shirt off at the beach. I wanted to kiss her a thousand times and more instead of going into the water.

"Oh baby, you're such a slacker." She giggles, watching me put on sunscreen. "I did that earlier. Need help?"

"I wouldn't mind it." I shoot her a cheesy grin and she giggles, bends down and kisses my cheek and then sits behind me.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now