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A week later.

Writing in the bathtub is fun when you have inspiration and bubbles covering you, I had already written what I think to be two good songs, so far. It's relaxing. Except for what had happened earlier.

I live in a small two bedroom home that I put payments on monthly, trying to buy it, and the master bedroom has the biggest bathtub. I'm in love. It's my favorite part about being home.

My bed, my bath, and the familiarity.

My Skype started ringing and I smile happily, but decline the call.

Naked! Only if you're alone. I send him.

A few seconds later, he calls again, and I answer, "Hey Princess." He coos, and then makes a kissy face at the camera.

"Why are you taking a bath so early? It's barely an hour after noon." He chuckles. "I thought you were spending the day with Silas?"

"Time is an illusion for a writing rock star on break." I lie, putting on a fake smile. "And Sil had to cancel." I lie again. Even though I promised Jack. This is something to talk to Alex about in person, not over a Skype call.

"Did you get the flowers I sent?" He asks.

"I did. They're beautiful." I smile. "Made my day. I got them before I recieded into the bathtub."

"I'm glad you like them, Princess. I miss you."

"I think I'm wet." I tease, moving around in the water a little bit, even though he can see the bubbles. His face hardens, and not in a good way.

"I miss you too, Alexander." I try not to worry about why his expression changed from caring, possible loving, to pure anger.

"Did I do something?" I hang my head, worrying.

"I don't know, Petal. Did you?" He scoffs. "Why are there bruises on your arms shaped like finger prints?" I didn't think that there would be bruises. I look down at the purple bruises forming and back up at him,

"Alex, please listen to me when I tell you that I didn't cheat, but I can't tell you. I can't tell you what happened." I beg.

My screen goes blank.

Call ended.

"Fuck!" I groan, and try to call him back.


"Please baby, answer your phone it isn't what you think at all."

I call him back again, but he sends me to voicemail early, so I don't call him again.

Petal// Alex, I didn't cheat. Please believe me.

3 hours earlier

My doorbell rang, and I was excited. It's going to be a day for me and Silas to run around town. Dressed up in my regular jeans and a tight tshirt I open the door, and then slam it back.

"Pet, please talk to me." The man mutters.

I open the door, pissed to see Ashland. Will this man ever quit?

"You need to leave me alone." I demand. "You're too old for me, you make me uncomfortable, and you're trying to make my life more complicated." I say, crossing my arms across my chest, seeing Silas start walking up the driveway from down the street. "I've been cool not to fire you. You were 'drunk' and you groped me. You're a pig."

"You're a spoiled bitch." He snarls, grabbing my arms tightly. I see Silas walking up behind him quietly. "You can't just be nice to one person? I came here to apologize."

"That was one hell of an apology. I was nice. Beyond nice when you shared private pictures of my boyfriend and I. Beyond nice by not telling my brother or band the sexual comments you'd make toward me, by not telling my brother how you groped me." I should have stopped there, but I couldn't. I wish I had though.

Silas was stood in shock as Ashland bangs my back hard against the door frame, probably going to leave a bruise, and he was about to do more, but before he could, Silas was on top of him, throwing punches.

The man was fired, and Silas called the band, and explained to them in little detail what happened, and asked them to call our record company and see if they can get us a tour manager before the next tour.

I hugged my brother and cleaned up his hands before explaining to Silas that I needed a cold bath and that I was going to write, begging him to please stay in case he came back.

I doubted that Ashland would come back any time soon after Ashland yelled at him that if he sees his face again, we will press charges.

A few minutes after he leaves and Silas hugs me tightly again, with my cut back from the sharp door jam, the doorbell rings again, and Silas answers it, flinging the door open in rage, expecting to see Ashland.

It was a delivery man holding a vase of pink Chrysanthemums. I smile widely, "Who are they from?" I ask.

"An Alexander William."  The man replies, and hands me a box and hands Silas the vase.

"Thank you sir," I get out money to tip him, but he declines kindly and heads away.

I open up the box and the card.  "This is probably a little silly, since it's been four days since I've seen you, as I'm writing the card, but I miss you so much. Please accept this teddy bear and your favorite flowers. Muah. -Alex."

In the open box, lays a brown teddy bear with a glamour kills hoodie on, and I squeak. Alex is so cute.

I miss him too.

"You should go shower." Silas smiled, "It'll be here when you get back."

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now