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"Hello this is Nick Major from Alternative Press, and I'm here with Petal Shay from Catch Me Weeping." Nick began as we stood in front of my bus.

"Yo." I smile.

"This is your first big name tour, are you enjoying it?"

"I am! I've had a lot of fun. I really enjoy the crowds."

"Silas said in the first show that you really admire All Time Low, and that they were an inspiration to the band. So they couldn't tell you you're touring with them, because you'd freak?"

"One hundred percent true. I'm a guilty fangirl. I love the guys. I actually bought pit tickets to their show that would be around where I live."

"Are the guys what you had expected?"

"Honestly? They're better." I grin. "Jacks even more of a bundle of love and jokes than you see anywhere else.  He's a really great guy. Zacks pretty quiet, but he's really funny, Rians really funny too, and Alex, well, he's just as wonderful as I thought he'd be." I managed to say it all without blushing.

"Would you consider them friends?" Alex is walking by slowly, listening, and my gut clenches, so I answer.

"Definitely. If they consider me a friend or not though? I'm not sure." I laugh.

"So who is the song St. Patrick about? Or any of the semi love songs on your album?"

"Well, I'm not like T-Swift writing about every guy I've ever met. And I don't really consider any of my songs love songs other than St. Patrick. And that's about an old love. I wrote that song many years ago."

"So have you hung out with All Time Low a lot?"

"Not really, a little though, yeah. Jack and I are pretty gems of friends."

"So have you heard of the ship name Pelex or Peck?"

"Oh God." I laugh. "So who are we shipping me with today?"

"Well since Rian is taken, not him, but every one else in All Time Low."

"We're all just friends, sorry. I don't think I'd date them."

"So you were pretty improvisational last night, when Alex was supposed to duet and instead you pull Jack out in his underwear, how'd that happen?"

"Oh jeez, so Alex was taking a shit, so I pulled Jack away and improved. I told the crowd I had a suprise, I wasn't going to shit on anyone, and so I asked Jack to help me. And as we all know, Jack has no problem being naked." I grin, "I'm not an asshole." Alex flinched at my answer.

"Do you like dueting?"

"Dueting, Jesus Christ. Is that a word? Can you do that?"

"I think so."

"Anyway, I do. I love music, no matter what form."

"Can you yodle?"

"What the fuck, like Yodele-he-hoo? Probably not."

"Will you try and yodle for us? As a closing remark?"

"Yodle de, yodle ye, yodle de what the fuck am I doing?"

Nick laughs and high fives me, and I chuckle and wave bye before the camera turns off.

"That was great. Thank you! It'll be edited and uploaded, and up by tomorrow."

"Alright, bye Nick. Thank you."

"Actually, I was wondering, you live around LA, right?"

"I do." I answer, seeing Alex still there and Jack waiting a few feet from him.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now