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Liquid sex to my ears hello babies.

Also if you're going to comment negative things about this song, please feel free to not do that and to take your negativity somewhere else. They worked hard on it. It's cool not to like it, but don't bring negative comments about that to me. Thank you very, very much.
Don't forget to vote & comment POSITIVE things! 💓 Love y'all.


"I can feel your breath on my hair." I scrunch my eyes against the light in the room.

Alex softly chuckles. I open my eyes slowly, he's on his elbow, just peering down at me. "How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"You fell asleep two minutes after you said you weren't tired." I giggle. "I'm glad you took your shoes off. I slept great, honey."

His cheeks turn a tiny shade of pink, and I wrap my arm around his waist, moving myself closer to him. "Did you sleep okay?"

"I slept by the woman I love, and I got to hold her as she slept in this morning, I think that's amazing. Not to mention that she's practically naked." He winks at me and kisses me as we tangle our legs together.

"You should shower while I make breakfast." I get up and stretch, my back to him."Let's leave by twelve, okay?"

Alex nods, but his face was sad. "What's up, babe?" I frown.

"Do you have a healing ointment?" He asks.

"Ointment sounds like such a fake word, but yes." I go to my bathroom, grab it and come back with furrowed brows.

"Lay down on your tummy, I'll rub some on your back."

"Alexander my back isn't that bad." I sigh.

"Baby it's bruised and there's a cut," he reaches for my hand, holding it gently. "For my sake, let me apply this onto you."

As I lay on my stomach, he moves so he can hover over me, sitting on my thighs, but not putting any pressure on them. He pushes my hair to the side, and starts applying it.

"You know, when I pictured you rubbing stuff on me like this, I figured it would be an oil, for a massage. Like every girls fantasy, but this is good too, since you're taking care of me." I grin, teasing him.

"When your back is healed, I am one hundred percent up for that." He leans down and kisses my shoulder.

"Can't wait."

"I would like to show you around my favorite places in LA today, if we can." Even though Jack lives here, and Alex comes down often, I still still like to show him my favorite places.

"Have you seen Jack yet?" He asks.

"Yeah, a couple times, but he lives all the way across town."

"We should do that at some point." He gets off of me, and I get up. We both make the bed, then he puts his hands on my waist to kiss me. I press myself against his clothed body, my breasts right below his chest.

He lowers his hand to my ass, just resting his hand there, and I open my mouth wider, his tounge slipping in and massaging mine. I run a hand through his hair, while the other rests on his shoulder, I didn't want to ever pull away from the butterflies he gives me, even after two and a half months of kissing and being around him, and seven weeks of dating, and sometimes sleeping in the same bed. "I missed your kisses." I murmur before connecting our lips again.

We were moving fast and I didn't know if I wanted to slow down.

I felt him harden a little, but we didn't have time right now. That was my fault.

"Alex, we gotta hurry. I haven't told you much about my mom's condition, but she has Alzheimer's, and she's normally just lucid around eleven to noon, if we're lucky."

"Okay baby." He smiles. "Let me shower to get rid of this," he gestures to his semi-hard penis, and I blush wildly. "And then I'll be ready."

While he's in the shower, I quickly do my makeup, and get dressed into blue jeans and a white Amerrickan shirt, and while he's getting dressed, I pop waffles into the toaster.

"Reppin Zack, huh?" Alex chuckles.

"Mhm." I get the waffles out of the toaster and grab syrup and peanut butter, quickly eating.

I grab the keys to my 2016 camry and my small purse, before coming back and rinsing my dishes to put them in the dish washer.

"I keep my house spotless." I chuckle.

"I can see that." Alex laughs, as he puts his wallet in his pocket, and follows me to my garage.

"Damn, this car is almost as sexy as you!" He muses. I open the garage and slide into the drivers side, placing my tiny purse in the back.

"Ready?" I ask, mainly to myself.

"Yep." Alex smiles, and kisses my cheek before settling his hand on my thigh. I pull out of the driveway, and down the road.

We sign in, and I grip Alexs hand like my life depended on it. "She might be lucid, but as I told your brother yesterday, she's gotten worse." The nurse explains.

"No I understand, thank you." I hated that there wasn't a cure for Alzheimer's, expecially early onset, my moms only fourty six. She didn't deserve this. No one did.

"She's lucid, but probably not for long." The nurse sympathizes, opening my mothers door.

"You don't know that." I frown.

"Hey mommy." I walk in, Alex right behind me.  "I have someone I want you to meet."

My mom smiles, "That is the man you showed me pictures of."

"Yes ma'am." I smile, "He's cute isn't he?"

"He is. What's your name, son?"

"Alex." Alex answers, and my mom stands up to hug him.

"You're a sweet boy from what she tells me. And she's never had good taste in boys, so if you hurt her, Silas won't be clueless this time." My mother tsks, still hugging him.

Alex chuckles, "I won't hurt her, Ms. Adison. I love your daughter."

She lets go of him and hugs me, smiling from ear to ear, "He's a keeper." She whispers. "Has a nice ass, like you said."

We continue talking for a while, and she gets to know Alex, but it didn't feel like long enough. My mom looks over at me, "You know, you look a lot like my daughter." She says the same thing every time.

"Oh, that's nice. I bet she's lovely." I smile. "I really must be going, it was nice to see you." I start to tear up, but I grab Alexs hand, and head out. He comforts me in the car as I cry, and cry and cry, until I'm ready to drive.

"Ready to go see my favorite places in LA?" I ask Alex, wiping my tears.

"Are you sure, Princess?" He asks. "We could go back to your place."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Let's go to the art museum." I kiss his cheek, and we head out.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now