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I hear a thudding in my house as I wake. And I jump, immediately calling Silas. "Silas!" I whisper shout once he answers. "Someone is in my house."

"Well, you keep your huge knife by your bed, go check it out." He's trying not to laugh, like he knows something.

"Silas what's going on?" I groan, talking loudly again.

"Well, you better be quiet! Before they find you!" He laughs, not being able to hold it in anymore.

I just walk into my kitchen, pissed, holding the knife. "Seriously, can you fucking not Silas?" I spit angerily. "I had been having a very good dream."

"You're living a dream, babe." Jack says from my kitchen. "I didn't mean to wake you, but technically, you shouldve been awake. Did you forget our plans we made like four days ago?"

"Well you did." I grumble. "Who let you in?" I put the knife down on the counter, Jack gives it a questioning glance.

"You told me where the spare key is." He laughs.

"Why did I do that?" I scold myself. "Anyway, why are you here?"

"I'm making you a small breakfast, blindfolding you, and then we have somewhere to go that's a suprise? You're very forgetful, and so I could check on you because your mom had been sick." He was trying not to laugh.

"Jack." I groan. "I just wanted to stay in my bed all day."

"Why would you do that?" He asks seriously.

"Because I'm sad." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" He asks. "You're sad? Nope. Not allowed." He hugs me. "I promise that what we're going to do today will brighten everything and if it doesn't I'll let you pick out the next horror movie we watch. Even though it won't be scary because it's going to be something like Paranormal Activity."

I giggle. "You're on! And don't bash on my movies. What's for breakfast?"

"Cereal." Jack laughs. I roll my eyes and sit with him and eat cheerios together. "Tell me why you're sad?"

"It's nothing." I respond. "It's just one of those days. It'll be okay." I smile.

A few minutes after I shower and eat, I'm in Jacks car, with a blindfold on, and we're going God knows where. I trust him, so everything will be fine. And it's not my birthday, so this feels odd.

"Is this an early birthday present?" I ask. My birthday is in a week.

"Not exactly." He answers, I groan.

"I like suprises, but not when I'm blindfolded. Am I being kidnapped?"


Alex hadn't texted back this morning either, and my heart sunk at that even more. I remember when we got into it when I did that at the hospital because I really just didn't want to talk to anyone. I barely talked to Silas. I felt just like Alex did that day, today. Even though he isn't a basket case, and I shouldn't be too worried, but I am.

My phone rings and I jump. I had been used to just the thing of a text or a vibration of a tweet notification. With watching eyes traveling over me, I step into the ladies room and pull my phone out of my back pocket.

Alexander 💩  my phone screen had read. I hesitated answering, but maybe the only thing I needed to be pulled to hehe had been his voice.

"H-ello?" My voice cracks as I answer last second.

"Why haven't you been answering?" He sounded very upset. I couldn't blame anyone but me.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now