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After a long day of unpacking Petal and Alex lay downater that night in their set up bed. "I had been thinking," Alex starts while playing with Petals hair, "Do you want to partially elope? Just invite family and our bands and crew, and elope? A family trip to Vegas and then I'll take you to our honey moon? You were worried before, about fans not wanting to know that you're pregnant. If we do it in the next two weeks, we can do these things before you're showing with our angel." Petal thinks about it.


Throwing up with my head into the toilet truly sucked. We did the math, and I am a month pregnant today. Alex scheduled a doctors appointment for us to see our little angel. We hadn't told anyone but my mother, and I really wasn't looking forward to telling anyone else.

The way Silas reacted the first time was pretty bad. Now a second time, hopefully he wouldn't be a prick. I wasn't ready.

"My mother says that the morning sickness should end in the second trimester. You're almost there, baby. You've got this." He rubbed my back, soothingly. We had a doctors appointment today and then I had to meet the guys back in the studio to record tracks. 

"Yeah, I know, I'm okay with being sick every now and then if it means having a healthy baby. We get to see our little angel on films today!" I say excitedly after brushing my teeth. I was really looking forward to all of this, you know? Having a baby, homeschooling the child more than likely, and just living with beautiful babies that look like Alex and I.

 Ready for my appointment, we left. Alex drove. "I'm looking forward to all of the good music coming up." I say. I felt nervous, I just wanted to chat.

"Me too, it's going to be so cool!" He responds. I tell him about how excited I am about Of Mice & Mens' new tracks, and I tell him about The Maine. I just chat because it made me feel better when his thumb stroked the back of my hand, and his voice comforted the baby and I from my nerves. I could tell he was nervous too, but he didn't show it very much.

I didn't exactly want to go in the doctors office, and neither did he, I knew that much. Because what if we had fans or people that worked for Alt Press in there? I could see the cringy headlines now; Petal Shay from Catch Me Weeping, pregnant?! 

I hope we don't catch her weeping when her longtime boyfriend Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low finds out...

God, people really needed a life, I think. Luckily, the waiting room had been empty. Alex looks away when the nurse takes my weight, making me chuckle, and when we go into the rooom, the lady says it would be a bit before the doctor comes in.

"We should get married before the baby comes." He states out of nowhere. "Because the nurse asked if we were married, and I told her no. What if we elope instead of planning a big huge wedding? You said you don't like big  weddings anyway."

"I think that if we're going to elope, we should invite the family and friends to come with us."

"So we're going to elope?" He asked.

"Yes, Alex. We're going to elope." I respond. He kisses me excitedly and we started talking about a date.


Silas, Gavin, Andy, and I meet eachother in the park, ready to work on writing a new song. We had all been on a swing, just moving back and fourth for a little while as I thought. When should I tell them? Alex and I already worked out the date. They were either coming, or they weren't.

"Id actually thought up this lately." Silas begins. "Ready?"

"We couldn't wait for the days to get longer
Spend nights sitting up, wasting away
All the shit that we did when we were younger
Think back and it feels like yesterday
We were losing teeth
Stayed up again last night, talk some sense to me

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now