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"Yeah, I just got home." I yawn. "I'm gonna go to bed, it's two in the morning. I love you too, yeah, I'll see you on the 25th, it's five days, bye." I hang up the phone and plant myself onto my very comfortable bed after plugging my phone in. I didn't want to move a muscle until the morning.

Wishing Alex was next to me, I set my alarm so that I could go see my mother in the morning, and then immediately fell asleep.

When I woke up, I quickly shower and get dressed to go see my mother. I didn't put on makeup, so I felt like I looked terrible, but I missed my mother.

Signing in at the facility, the nurse updated me on things before I went in. She hasn't been lucid in days.

My mothers face lit up, "Sarah! How nice of you to come! I tried to call, but my assistant said that she didn't have your number." She pointed at the nurse. She read the nurses name tag, "Thank you Clary, you can go."

As the nurse leaves, my mother gives a curious glance, "Sarah, why is she wearing scrubs when she's an assistant to a lawyer?"

"Hi! How have you been Adison? And I'm not sure." I played along. I just missed my mom. I didn't want to upset her. Her name was foreign rolling off of my tounge when it wasn't mom.

"I'm well, I miss my children, but they're in school." She smiles, "Anyway, as a fellow lawyer, and friend, I had put together my will years ago. It's in my law 1 textbook. And someone needed to know that." She handed me the book that had a document in it, and I looked over it, seeing two signatures on the last page.

"I'm starting to feel very tired." My mother tsks, her voice slowing. "How are your children?"

"They're great! I wish I had photos." I respond, and since I knew the children, I spoke of them. I pretended like these children were my entire world.

Moms speech kept getting slower, so discreetly, I pressed the call light on her bed, and a nurse came in, asking my mother to follow her pen light, I stood back at the nurse looked a liitle frantic calling a code and my mother had begun to seize. I was asked to step out, so I did.

Soon enough someone came out to talk to me at the same time that paramedics had come, "Miss Shay- she stroked out and seized again. We're transfering her to the hospital where she can get better care for now, the scans, I mean." She continued, and I listened, but my heart shattered.

"May I grab something from her room?" I ask. The nurse nods and as my mom is being taken by the paramedics, I grab her textbook, a picture frame, and her blanket, before heading out to the hospital.

While sitting in the parking lot, I call Silas, trying not to cry. I tell him what had happened, and I tell him that I have mothers will, and he says that he will be there as soon as he possibly can.

I have never felt more alone in the world than in this moment.

I went straight to the hospital, I cleaned up so I didn't look so distraught, and I went into the entrance where she had been put before. Walking to the nurses station, I see Silas instead in the waiting room.

He jumps up and cradles me in a hug, "Hey, it's going to be alright. It's mom. You know her." I nod. We didn't know if she would be alright, but we can hope. "The nurse said that they're getting her scans and a check up, and that we should wait here. Did you eat anything this morning?"

"No." I answer. "I hadn't thought of it."

"Well, c'mon, I'll take you to the café to get breakfast." There is litterally a Starbucks in the hospital. It's nice.

"Have you spoken to Alex?"

"Not this morning."

"You should tell him what's going on." Silas crinkles his fingers together in a hoop as we walk. "Weren't you supposed to go up there in a couple of days?"

"Yes, but I don't think I will." I respond. "His family will understand." Even though some of them are flown in from Sussex, I'm sure they'll understand that family comes first, and my mother needs me right now.


I have had a sinking feeling in my chest since I've gotten up this morning, like something was wrong, and I didn't like it. What if Ashland had gotten back ahold of Petal? Or Nathan got ahold of Silas? Those both would not be good at all.

I picked up my phone, deciding to ring Petal. "Babe? Are you alright?" I ask her once she answers.

"I'm sorry, I should have called." Her voice cracked a little bit, breaking my heart. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but what was happening here? I hated being away from her.

It wasn't that I don't trust her, because I do. It's just that I'm worried she would find someone better and not want to hurt me. I know she wouldn't ever cheat on me, but a part of me fears that she would like every other girlfriend that I've ever had, especially the serious ones.

"Petal what's going on?" I asked, trying not to come off a bit tense.

"Alex, my mom-"

Way to go Alex.

"'-is in the hospital again. They haven't told us anything yet." I hated that I had felt a littke bit relieved. What kind of person feels relieved about someone elses sickness? I really should talk to Petal about this one day.

"I don't know if I'll be able to come to Baltimore yet. I'm sorry." She finishes.

"No, no it's okay that you can't come. Your family comes first." I promise. "It's alright, my family will understand. They'll be back one day and you'll be able to meet them then. Or like we said before, we could go up there. It's okay, Angel. I really wish I could be there with you right now. I can't promise anything, but I can promise that it'll work out. You'll always have Silas, and you'll always have me. I love you so very much, Princess."

"I love you too, Alexander. I'll talk to you later okay? I think the doctors are coming to talk to us." She hung up, and my heart sank. My poor baby girl.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now