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The song in this chapter is St. Patrick by PVRIS💙


We were now at the next venue in San Francisco, and I had just woken up to a very loud bang and groans.

"You guys, what was that?" I ask worriedly, popping my head out of the bunk after moving the curtain back, and then I start giggling.

"Oh jeez, thanks Petal. For laughing. Really means a lot." Gavin says, face first on the floor. He was on the bunk beside me, top bunk, and he fell off.

"What time is it?" I mutter and turn to look at my phone. "It's 12? Wow."

I get out of bed and help Gavin up before deciding to make coffee, bacon, hashbrowns, and french toast as quietly as I can.

Having headphones in my ears listening to A Day To Remembers song Paranoia, I get the shit scared out of me when I get a text, but that's just fine when I see who it's from.

Alex// I hope you're having a good morning. Glad we had very little alcohol in our system. Everyone here is very hung over.😅

Petal// Oh dear, I'm sure the beasts here will be awake soon. I cooked them breakfast.

I respond, finishing the food and putting it back in the very small oven. Within minutes, all of the guys come in, looking for the food. I was just sitting drinking coffee myself.

"Where's the food?" Andy frowns.

"Oh, did you want some?" I crinkle my brows.

"Duh." Silas says.

"It's actually in the microwave, and the ibuprofen is in the cabinet."

I scroll through my many notifications on Twitter and see a few gifs and videos of Alex and I singing last night, and a few from me preforming. Once they spread around, I started to get more tweets in.

@lindzeeme: Something is going to happen between them. @PetalCMW @AlexAllTimeLow

@ATLpolls1: They're so cute, I hope they end up together.  @AlexAllTimeLow @PetalCMW

@freakingfag: look at the way he looks at her aw!! @AlexAllTimeLow

@janiceean: she looks like a slut. You can see her bra. Wtf. No wonder he's looking at her like that. @AlexAllTimeLow @PetalCMW

@SweatyGaskarth: I hope this will happen. She's so gorgeous. I love her hair. @PetalCMW @AlexAllTimeLow

I clicked on janiceeans tweet and loved the replies she got, "You're just jealous." "Halsey does shit like that 24/7 but you don't hate on her." etc. I love the fans we have.

I may face bipolar depression and anxiety, but I wouldn't let them get to me. I adjust took my medication, and because of it, I want sad at all.

Everybody gets hate.

Alex// Damn, have you checked twitter?

Petal// Mhm, good thing they didn't catch us kissing, Alex.

"Who are you texting?" Silas asks, a knowing smirk on his face.

"Alex." I mutter.

"How did your date go last night?" Gavin questions.

"I wouldn't consider it a date." I sigh, "I mean, we kissed, but we've done that before. He's not one to settle down. And I'm not going to be the girl to ask the infamous, what are we question."

"Fine, I'll ask him for you." Andy chuckles, grabbing my phone.

"Bitch, better not. You'll catch my damn hands!" I shout, leaning over him and grabbing my phone from Andy.


"I know it's chemicals that make me cling to you
And I need a miracle to get away from you.
I know it's chemicals
and I need a miracle
And I'm not spiritual
But please stay
'Cause I think you're a saint and I think you're an angel

"I said
You give me something to talk about, something to talk about
I said
You give me something to think about that's not the shit in my head
You're a miracle
You're a miracle
A miracle."

I sing, bouncing around stage in my black v-neck and white skinny jeans, I look sidestage and see Alex blow a kiss at me.

I didn't see him at sound check, and he didn't come by the bus, but we texted. When he came by, I was in the shower getting ready for the show, but as soon as I was ready, it was time to jump onto stage, so I ran, just passing him by and got pumped up for the show.

"I need a miracle to bring me back to you, back to you.
I know you're gone now, but I'll still wait for you, wait for you." I finish.

We play two more songs, and then we say goodbye. "It's been fuckin' lit. Thanks for being an awesome crowd. I hope to come again!"

"That's what she said." Jack mutters when we come off of the stage. I laugh and a cute man comes up to me and hugs me.

"You did amazing, Petal."

"Thank you, Alex. You'll do quite amazing yourself." I grin. He leans down and pecks my lips, taking me by suprise before he grabs his guitar and runs out.

"I have no idea how we're going to beat that. Don't they sound like good sex?" Alex shouts to the crowd, I blush harder than before.

They start playing and I mouth the lyrics and dance around backstage, having a lot of fun, when it's time for Remembering Sunday I go on at my part, giving my favorite song my all.

"Doesn't her voice sound like an Angels?"

"If as you phrased it before, Angels voices sound like sex... then I guess so Alex." Zack says, laughing into the mic.

"Ooh buddy." I laugh. "I wouldn't know, Destiel isn't cannon." Some of the crowd whoops.

"When will yall be cannon?" Someone loudly shouts, making me blush very hard.

"That's my que to leave."

Alex hugs me before I walk off, "That was hot." He mutters. I laugh and then walk off.

After the show, they all come off, sweating and tired. I smile at all of them and congratulate them on a show well done. Jack wraps me in a sweaty hug, and I try not to gag at his stench.

"Boy, you need a shower." I mutter when he lets me go.

"At least I wore deodorant." He frowns.

"Oh Jackie, it's alright! Just air out your pits, stinky." I chuckle.

Alex smirks at me and walks toward me, "If you smell anything like Jack you better back up." I giggle and run away, but he catches me and hugs me anyway. He doesn't stink too bad, but I still acted like he did.

"Oh God, it burns! It burns." I groan and fall to my knees, joking about the smell of Alex. Genuinely, you can still smell his cologne, even if he does stink, it isn't that bad.

"Oh get up and kiss me." He mutters, helping me up and I lean against the wall, "Oh, alright. If I have to."

We were giggling and he presses his lips to mine, he makes a little "mm" sound, making my knees go weak, he rubs my back up and down with the hand that isn't playing in my hair.

"Petal," He mutters, pulling back. "You're so beautiful."

I blush under his gaze. "Thank you, Alex."

"You don't have to call me Alex." He suggests, raising his eyebrows.

"Alright, Alexander." I tease.

He groans, "Not what I meant."

"I know."

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now