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Two weeks later 

"What the fuck. No. He can't be. Well, there goes that!" Alex shouts at the end of season two that we finished five days later in my bunk, cuddling.

"Yeah." I mutter. Alex moved to where he was holding me, "Never pegged you as a guy that would like soap operas."

"Anything for you, babe." He smirks, and kisses the back of my head.

"I'm cold." He mumbles, I was taking up a good portion of the blanket. I give him some blanket and grab his hands, placing one in between my thighs and the other under my neck. He chuckles at me and I grin.

"No funny business, Gaskarth." I laugh. Netflix pops up with an, are you still watching? screen, but I don't press anything because he starts talking in a sexy voice I'd never heard from him.

"Mm, but I could kiss you like this easier." He moves my hair over with the hand that was between my thighs, careful not to touch my area, not that I'd mind, and brings his lips to my neck.

My breath hitched in my throat when he moves his lips a little lower to my sweetspot. "Alex," I moan quietly when he licks where he was sucking, I feel him harden against my ass slightly, "Other people are on the bus. Please not now."

He nods, and I turn my head to kiss his lips, he's smiling in satisfaction. "What, did you leave a mark?" I ask, grinning.

"I did."

"My turn." I smirk, and lift up his shirt. "You know, girls can wear makeup to cover it, boys can't. So unless you take off your shirt, you can't see it."

"What if I want it to be seen?" He tsks.

"I guess I can do that to." I straddle him, putting a hand in his hair and the other to the side of him, holding my body up.

I bring my lips down to his neck and kiss it softly, wanting to find where his breath hitches before I kiss there and create a hickey, I find it, and I nibble it before sucking it. I massage my hand through his hair and make my mark on his cologne scented skin, that tastes sweetly of the perfect strawberry.

I create a plump, dark red mark, right in the wisp of his neck, making him moan.

I hum in approval and kiss his lips longer, "You won't dump me after we, um, have sex, right?" I whisper to Alex, with worry in my voice. That's my fear. That's what every guy has ever done with me. Leave me after using me.

Like I'm a tissue.

"No baby, I won't. I really like you, and I think you're so gorgeous. You have so many amazing qualities that I know will help me better myself.  I won't leave you."

"We're moving really fast, and I'm okay with that, but I don't want to lose you, is all." I respond, Alex pulls me down to him.

"You won't. I know I'm going to fall for you. And I'm going to take you out on a real date tomorrow morning. A breakfast date, but we have a show to do later today. We both have to get ready, but how about after one more episode." He winks. "Can't leave me on a cliffhanger."

"You mean a lot to me, Alex."

"You mean a lot to me too, pretty girl." He runs his hand through my hair and then rubs my back, and presses yes on the Netflix screen.


"Alex, where'd you get the hickey?" Zack wiggles his eyes on stage as I'm watching side stage. I wanted to see how he would cover for this.

"From Jack." Alex blushes.

"You were watching us, Zack." Jack responds, thank God he's covering for us. I don't want to deal with fans being jealous or anything right now. I don't want anything to ruin anything.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now