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"I love you." He muttered drunkenly into my hair last night before I fell asleep. He was drunk, and I was sober. He didn't know what he was saying, but I couldn't help but to wonder, is he going to say it again?

When he's finally up and moving, smelling the breakfast I prepared him and his friends, I kiss him on the head as I say goodbye since he has an interview in an hour.

As I walked back to my bus, I couldn't help, but to dread what might be about to happen. I could run into Ashland, by himself again, or hopefully, if there is a God out there, everyone but him.

I walk in and I'm greeted by three guys sitting on the couch, Gavin, Andy, and Silas.

"Hey, we wanted to go out as a band today." Gavin greets, and the others nod.

"Yeah! Just let me change and do my makeup really quickly?" I ask. We were at a new venue, so Ashland, at this time, wouldn't be on the bus.

"Leaving in thirty." Andy calls back, as I head to the back, grabbing a white crysanthimum crop top, strapless white bra, matching panties, and black shorts that end midthigh and were torn. I quickly do light makeup and add red lip stain, and then tie my hair up in a high, slicked back, pony tail.

"Ready!" I muse.

"Where are your shoes?" Andy giggles.

"You're right." I quickly throw on red vans to match my lips and text Alex to tell him we're going out as a band and that I'll see him later.

Alex// Stay safe baby. We all enjoyed breakfast, thank you. 😚 and hey, send me a selfie. I saw you walking away.

We get to a breakfast restaurant, which I'm greatful for, because I didn't eat. I just cooked.

I took a selfie after we sat down, made sure it was good enough, and sent it to Alex.

Alex// That's gonna be the thing I'll need to keep a smile on my face durning this interview :) hangovers suck, but I'll let you go! Have fun! Text me when you're on your way back!

I responded with an okay and a thanks, and we ate our breakfast, just casually talking. We talked about Gavin and Andys girlfriends, and I did my best to avoid the topic of Alex.

Of course though, that couldn't be avoided, "He drunkenly told me he loves me last night." I say, nervously, "But I don't know if he meant it."

"Drunk mouths speak sober thoughts." Silas speaks.

"I don't know that. I mean, we have been together a month, I suppose, but still. I don't know." I shrug. "He's Alex, and he's probably said it before and not meant it." I sigh.

"Did you respond to him?" Gavin asks.

"No I pretended to be asleep."

They drop their jaws, "What! He was drunk!" I exclaim.

"Did he say anything about it this morning?" Andy interrogates.

"No." I frown, "Like I said. Drunk. Didn't know what he was saying or doing."

"Bad bad bad." Gavin tsks.

"What was I supposed to do? I didn't want our first time to say that to be when he was drunk and I was sober. When he wouldn't even remember it."

"That's understandable." Andy sips his coffee.

"I know I'm capable of loving him, abd I think I do, but I don't want to just ruin what we have our scare him off, you know?"

They all nod, finish eating, and we head out to where ever next.

"Can we go to a dog park, just to watch peoples dogs and pet them?" I ask, as we're walking down the road, deciding where to go. I grin when they say yes, happy to see dogs.

"I'm thinking about getting a dog." I tell them. "And when we're away Sammy," Andys wife, "Could watch it. Since she loves dogs."

"She probably wouldn't mind, but you should talk to her about that before you get a dog." Andy laughs.

"Oh, did I tell you guys Devin and I broke up?" Gavin frowns, talking about his now ex boyfriend.

"When did this happen?" I ask, taken aback.

"We ended it a month ago, I didn't tell you guys though. It ended on void terms, he just didn't want to be away from me for months at a time."

"Oh." We all mutter, meloncholic.

"I'm sorry." Silas attempts to comfort him.

"I felt the same way, so it didn't matter. Like I said, good terms. And we weren't in love."

We continue walking until we reach the dog park, getting "attacked" by sweet dogs. We met a therapy dog named Renly, who was a big sweetie.

I adore dogs.

We go to see a movie, and then see the time, deciding it was probably a good time to go back to the bus before the M&G and show.

I text Alex, telling him we'll be there in about ten minutes, and the boys and I joke the entire way home.

We had even run into fans today, which was really cool, because who doesn't love meeting fans and people that you love? And your inspiration.

When we get there, Alex and Zack had been waiting, leaning against my tour bus. "Maybe he'll tell you now." Silas teases, elbowing my side.

I sigh smiling, and walk up to Alex who has a cheeky grin on his face. "When do you not look gorgeous?"

"After sex." I laugh, and Zack raises his eyebrows.

"Nah. You look so gorgeous then, too." He pulls me to him in a kiss, patting my butt.

"Well, I knew you did something the other night and made out, but what I didn't know was that you had sex, was he good?" Zack teases.

"I thought you already knew?" I ask, acting like I believed whatever their shipname was real.

"Well, when you're drunk and tired of fucking a sock-" Zack replies, making me giggle.

"That's more of a Jack-"

"You better run your ass to sound check." Alex cuts me off, spanking me.

I run quickly to the venue after winking at them, and Alex wolf-whistles watching me run away, blushing.

Poor Zack.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now