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"You know, I never thought I'd see you in a dress, you look so gorgeous." Alex muses. He stood up, as I came out of my bedroom in a navy skater dress, my golden sandals sparkling.

"I can't wear a dress on stage and bounce around at the same time."

He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in. I thought he would be going for a gentle kiss, but I was wrong as he slipped my bottom lip into his mouth and sucked on it for a couple seconds. I pull back, blushing, "I love you, Alexander."

"I love you too, Princess."

"I believe you called me your queen earlier." I playfully roll my eyes.

"Princess is more innocent." He smirks, "You're a queen, in the sheets."

"Alexander William!" I groan, hiding my face, "Don't talk like that."

"Are you driving or would you like me to?" He asks.

"I'll drive. The place is a little ways away, though. That's why we're leaving early." I grab his hand. "C'mon." He kissed my cheek and opens the doors for me before we head out.

In the car, he put his hand on my thigh, and we sang along to Arctic Monkeys, it didn't take really long to get there, I just didn't want Alex knowing that I had more planned.

"Alex?" I ask, setting my hand on his that was on my thigh. "I'm glad you came to see me."

"Even though I thought it was because you were cheating?"

"Yes. Because you were fighting for me. And Alex, I needed that. I needed to feel wanted by somebody."

"I've wanted you for quite sometime, I don't think I'll ever stop."

You don't know that, babe.

He grabs the hand on top of his and presses it to his lips.

"So where are you taking me?" He asks, for the fifth time.

"Alexander, if you ask me that one more damn time; I'm turning my car around."

"Hey babe?" He grins. "Where ya takin' me?"

I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Princess. I'll be quiet."

I huff out a breath, and he squeezes my leg. "You don't have to be quiet." I grin. "What would a boyfriend be without being annoying?"

"Well, definitely not a girlfriend." He says sarcastically, and it makes me grin. I smack his hand that was on my thigh, going higher, and he pouts.

At a red light that just turned red, I quickly lean over and give him a huge kiss on the cheek.

"Bleh," I joke, but he doesn't know that, "You know, I love your stubble, but not when it goes into my mouth." I pretend to get hair off of my tounge and wipe it off on my dress.

"You're being so playful today. I like it."

"We don't have anything to worry about anymore, Alex," I muse. "I don't have weight on my shoulders anymore."

We pull up to a beautiful building that would probably look similar to the whitehouse, if it were white, and I park in a spot. Alex opens my door for me and smiled brightly. "I've never been here before. I've heard about it, though."

"Just come with me. I had an idea."

I take his hand as we walk through the gates of a beautiful garden, but he lets go of my hand and snakes his arm around my waist.

We walk for a little while, admiring the beauty as the sun sat low in the west. "If I ever get married, I'd want to get married in a beautiful garden like this." I marvel. "Maybe one in Vegas with family and friends there, but maybe around here."

"Why did you say if?" He asks.

"Because, I'm terrified to get married. Silas says that before I have a child, I need to be married, but I don't want to end up getting divorced and my child being put through hell going back and fourth." I answer. "I would have to know, and believe, and trust, that they would never leave me. Even when times are hard. And that they would never cheat. My dad cheated on my mom, and he left us. It tore my mom apart."

"I understand. I fear that sometimes too." He mutters. I said too much.

"But you? I can see myself marrying you." I admit, he stops walking and faces me, "I hope that doesn't scare you away."

"No Princess, it gives me a reason to stay, out of many." He takes my face in his hands and passionately kisses me. I'm not one for Public Displays of Affection, but this was acceptable.

He pulls back and we continue walking. "I've had serious girlfriends before, and they all cheated or broke my heart. That's why I was so upset the other day.

"You're the one I love. I have now seen what love truly is, not to be dramatic or anything, but I'm serious." He lifts my hand up and kisses it, butterflies errupted in my stomach. "I love you, so much."

"I love you too, Alex." I lean into his side.

"Can we get someone to take a picture of us? I want to remember this." He asks, blushing.

I nod, and he pulls out his phone, and a small rectangular box. "Don't worry. It isn't a ring." He chuckles, "You said we were going somewhere nice, so I thought it would be a great time to give it to you now." He hands me the box, and I look up at him as I open it.

"Alex, this is gorgeous!" I excitedly squeal, placing the silver necklace around my neck, and turning so he can put it on me. It had somewhat of a V at the base, with a pink rose in the middle of the V, and it was beyond gorgeous. "Thank you."

"Anything for my princess." He clamps the thing, and kisses my cheek. "I saw it at Pandora in Baltimore while picking up my moms watch, and it made me think of you, my flower."

When someone is walking by, Alex asks them to take a picture of us, and I couldn't wait to post it at some point. I love Alex so very much.

When we left there, we went to go get dinner at a steakhouse that I had chosen for us. We talked pretty much the entire time, besides the moments we were stuffing our faces.

"You should bring back Full Frontal." I grin as I climb into bed with him wearing a tshirt and nice panties.

"Maybe one day." He kisses my forehead, bringing me to him. "I don't want to leave you here."

"Well, I'm meeting my new tour manager after I drop you off at the airport. It's about five days till we'll see each other again, Lex. We can do that." I giggle softly.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I want to." He pouts.

"Poor baby." I tease, pecking his lips before turning my back on him, "Goodnight Alex."

He wraps his arm around me, making me smile. "Love you."

"Love you, too." I grin and sigh contently as he plays with my hair and kisses my neck. "You're making me rethink going to sleep."

"Mm, you could go to sleep in an hour?" Alex teases.

"Ah, yes, sounds very good to me." I giggle and straddle him, quickly tossing off the oversized shirt.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now