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November 15th, three days later

I'm awoken by the sweet scent of breakfast, and the dogs by my legs stir. I press my head more into the pillow. I want to sleep.

I can hear Alex humming and coming up the stairs, and I smile into my pillow. I love him so much. I position myself so that when he comes in I can see him. He comes through the door, and I smile at his shy grin. He had a little table with a flower on it, a plate with eggs and bacon, and orange juice. "Happy birthday, Princess." He smiles.

I sit up, pulling my messy hair back. "You look so damn sexy in my shirt." He smirks, looking at me wearing his Madona t-shirt. He sets the food down on the dresser, and kisses me softly before placing it back in my lap. There were two plates on the table. He sat across from me, eating with me adorably. He's the best boyfriend ever.

"Thank you so much Alex." I smile, taking the last bite of my bacon and consuming it.

"Oh trust me, your suprises, and your gifts? Haven't ended yet." He kisses my cheek. "Get ready to go out. You should wear your red sweater and black jeans and vans that I layed out for you."

I finished my bacon and kissed his lips before getting out of bed to brush my teeth and hair and to get dressed and ready to go out. I pull on the red long sleeve sweater that he got me that had read Hopeless Records across the back. I quickly did a full face of makeup and met him in the livingroom, grabbing my keys and wallet. "You ready?" He asks. I nod and he takes my hand out the door.

We were in the car for a little while before we pull up to a mall, "You were serious about this?" I laugh.

"Yes, and I'm going to spoil my girl." He opens the car door for me and holds my hand again. I love it when he holds my hand. To me it feels like an, "I don't want to lose you" gesture. I've calways loved it.

But what I didn't like, is definitely the idea of him playing for anything I like today. I did need  new jeans and shirts, but I can do that when he's not with me. We walk into Bath & Body Works, and Alex picks out scents he liked and wanted me to smell. I did the same for him. I got different lotions, perfumes, and body washes all in matching scents, luckily there was a sale and I had a ton of cupons. The total ended up being only $25. I should be on extreme cuponing.

Alex pushed me in a few stores, and we came out with cute things. But there had got to be an end to his madness at some point. He wouldn't let me look at the price tags, but I knew these things were getting to be expensive. "Baby, this is a lot of money." I tell him quietly, "I know you love me, but don't show me like this."

"Two more stores, okay? I promise you'll like them." He smiles, pecking my nose before we start walking again. We went into a store that mainly had dresses and he says at my look at doubt, "You're going to get at least two. You never wear dresses, and I'd really like to see you in one tonight."

"Yes sir." I tease. He follows me as I walk, seeing gorgeous dresses. He still wouldn't let me look at prices. I set my eyes on a velvet red one, and my eyes wouldn't set on any other one. I wanted it. I found it in my size and tried it on along with others. I didn't want Alex to see it on me yet. He paid for the three dresses, and then we waled to the final store.

He was definitely excited over this one. I knew that, because he likes face masks and fun things. I giggle at him as he whispers in my ear, "Remember, these are for both of us to enjoy together, but just tell the attendants they're only for you."

I pick up a really pretty bath bomb that looked like the Pretty. Odd. album. "Alex, mm, smell this!" I chid. It smelled heavenly. He grabbed a basket and put the bath bomb in there as well as one called the "sex bomb." We continued looming around the store, grabbing face masks. 

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now