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The song in the chapter is (Un)lost by The Maine. It's really pretty, but for my fics sake, picture it as a girl singing and also as an accoustic version.

A week later - Paris

"Hello?" The voice in the other end of the phone asks skeptically. "Petal is this actually you?"

"As you already know, there had been indecision to call. Are you busy?" I respond.

"No, no. Just let me take a work break real quick." Allie was eager, I wasn't suprised with how much of an asshole we both had been.

"Okay, I'm back." She responds, sounding a little nervous.

"Allie, why didn't you just tell me? I would have understood." I shook my head, my brows crinkling. I was alone in Gavins' hotel balconey, just sitting and relaxing for a while, looking out at Paris before we needed to leave for the show.

"I was scared." She admits, "And then, when I thought it would have been the right time to tell you, you were having major stress. You lost something dear, I couldn't tell you that I had been seeing your brother.

"And the second time I was going to tell you, your mother had been getting sick. I'm sorry. Silas wanted to tell you too, but I wanted to be the one to tell you, but it was rough. Time zones and work scedules."

"I understand Allie." My heart hurt when she brought up those things. "I'm sorry for freaking out, but do you understand why I did?"

"Yeah, I'd be pretty freaked if you were having sex with my brother."

"It was just weird, because I'd talk to you about boys, and you wouldn't say anything back. You'd avoid my questions and start talking about something else. It was suspicious."

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"I miss you." I mutter. "A lot."

"I miss you too little seed, do you forgive me, your Allie-bug?" She asks, using our nicknames.

"Yes I do, as long as you forgive me for not listening and ruining our time together. And as long as we never call eachother those names again." I laugh.

"I forgive you. And deal. Take pictures of Paris for me!"

"I will! I love you!"

"I love you too, but I've got to get back to work. Considering I don't smoke and this could be considered a smoke break." She probably blushed as we hung up. I missed her.

"Silas?" I call into the room as I go inside. "I talked to her. "Everything's okay now. Can we work on the song again? I wrote more to it."

Silas nods, and I sit on the oposite bed than he was on with his accoustic guitar.

He starts strumming, and I start singing what we had already written:

"I'm not looking for anything
In particular
But I'm far more desperate than you think
I wonder what it's like to be the universe
Experiencing itself ironically
I need some space to run around
I'll always have the underground
I'll build my road despite the cost
I'm not looking to be found
No, no not at all.

"Unaware of where I'm going
Or if I'm going anywhere at all
But I know I'll take the leap
If it is worth the fall
So long as the blood keeps flowing
I'll set a sail and swim across
I'm not looking to be found
Just want to feel unlost."

I stop singing, and he shows me something that he added, and something he could do in the background, and I start with the new lyrics I came up with as Gavin writes them down.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now