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A week later


"Hey Petal?" Nano bugs me from the couch as we play Madden Super Bowl. I mumble something incoherent while watching the screen. I've played this for however long with Silas, Andy, Jack, and Gavin, I'm prepared to beat Nano and Alex. "Jack would like to know what you want for your birthday?"

"Uh, nothing? I have everything I could want and need." I answer.

Alex kisses my cheek. "You might want to just say something, Jack has a habit of not only bad gifts, but often a jumbo box of condoms too."

"Oh, would that be so bad?" I joke, laughing. Knowing that Alex wants to know just as much what I want as the others. "I honestly don't really want anything."

"You said really." Nano nudges me.

"Okay, I want to beat you guys at this game." I sigh, getting tackled again. How could I not see that coming? There's two splits on the tv? I groan.

"Be realistic, love." Alex laughs.

"You suck." I never answer the question.

"Damn, I'm really looking forward to watching the Ravens play tonight." Alex says.

I shrug. "They're cool." I admit, "I'm just more for the Raiders." I tackle Alexs' quarterback, and he cusses.

"They're going down tonight." Alex mutters. "And so are you. You can't take down my quarterback."

"Eh. I guess we'll place bets later." I pause. Watching the screen, the referee pops up, shouting that I had a flag on the play and blah blah blah.

"Am I given the right to complain about that?" I ask. "How did that even happen?"

I lock eyes with Alex. "You knew a cheat code." He looks away guiltily. "Bitch." I cuss, pushing him into Nano.

And later that night as we watch the game, during half time, Silas calls on Skype. I knew he would be watching the game with the boys and mom. I kissed Alexs' cheek and walked into his kitchen. "I'm gonna go cook dinner and talk to Silas." I tell him and Nano.

I answer the phone and immediately you can hear Andy and Gavin muttering in disappointment, "You never call us first we always call you."

"I've been busy." I giggle. "It's nice to hear from you. How is it back home?"

"It's really good, Gavin finally made his move on Walter, who recoupriated." Andy answers. I could see Gavin blushing.

"We went on a date. We had a good time. I kissed his cheek goodnight."

"Only a kiss on the cheek? A hug?" I tease.

"Better than an awkward wave goodbye."

"True." I respond. He tells me more about his date that they went on last night. Walter insisted on them going to the beach.

"Do you like Baltimore?" Mom asks.

"I do! A lot, but I can't see myself living here. Cali is my home." I try not to frown.

"Did you ask him?" Andy asks, popping onto the screen again.

"Ask him what?" Silas and my mother ask.

"Uh, no, I haven't." I answer. Giving Andy a quick look as if to say do not say a thing.

"Why not?"

"What is she asking?"

"If he wants to move in with her." Andy answers. I go red in embarrassment.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now