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"This won't be too log of a flight at all, but I mean, I feel so cramped." Jack complained. Petal glared at him, playfully.

I grin, "Well, we went cheap. The flight is hardly an hour long. I'm sure the best man can be uncomfortable for thirty more minutes." I tease.

I can't believe I would be getting married tomorrow, to my best friend and love of my life, Petal Cris Shay. Soon to be Petal Cris Shay Gaskarth. She looked so sleepy and adorable as we were on the flight. We were busy packing for a honey moon, where she has no idea where we're going. I loved that. The thrill of her not knowing. I loved that her friends were here, and her mother, and her best friend is on her way from Canada. I loved that in just twenty four hours- I would be married to her.

I know, it's cheesy, and lame, but she really is about to marry me. Of all people, this woman wanted to be with me. I was very anxious.

She would be getting her dress today with her Mother and two friends, and then go to a bridal party, while I would be going to a bachelors party.


Getting off of the cramped flight, I definitely didn't want to complain about the pain in my back, or the anxious feeling in my stomach, but when we all checked into separate hotel rooms, it became a bit more surreal. What if he runs? What if he only wants to marry me because of the fetus in my uterus? I didn't want him to marry me out of obligation. I could keep my baby hidden while I continued with my work as a musician, if he left.

We would keep our baby hidden anyway, because I didn't want them to be bombarded with paparazzi or whatever. I didn't want people thinking Alex only married me because of the pregnancy.

I'm getting married to Alex Gaskarth in two days.

When we got to the hotel, I set my things inside the room with my mom and Allie, when she gets here. "Can't drink at my Bachelorette party, how rude." I chuckle, laying on the bed.

"Hey you're the pregnant one, honey." Allie says, coming through the door. She smiled brightly and I jumped up to hug her.

"You weren't supposed to be here for another hour!" I grin.

"Yeah, I actually got here yesterday, I switched the dates by accident, but on the bright side, I'm here." She smiles, her red hair and straight teeth looking gorgeous. "I missed you."

"I missed you too! Did you go see Silas yet?"

"Yes." Her smile falters. "The pregnancy glow is amazing." She's back to smiling.

"Yeah, I guess that's good. I'm looking forward to being married."

"I'm looking forward to you being married too! I'm ready to hold this cute little baby, but he's gotta stay inside for a while longer." She rubs my stomach.

"So have you picked out a dress?"

"No, that's what we're doing tonight as our party." Mom says.

"Ooh, nice." Allie grins. "Let's do it."

About an hour later, since it had been around six pm, we all went to dinner before heading out for our seperare parties. "I'll see you later." Alex kisses my cheek and touches my stomach gently.

I nod and we walk our seperate ways.

If he had some type of bachelors thing up his sleeve, I would be okay with whatever. Have fun, because after tomorrow he definitely isn't going to leave me. Unless he leaves me at the altar, but I know he won't do that.

"Lets go in this one!" Allie says, smiling brightly. I nod and we go in, seeing gorgeous dresses. "I want a white one, but is that wrong if I'm pregnant? I don't know if it's a good thing to wear white or not."

"Its fine. Pick out whatever dress you want." Mom says. So we run around the store, picking things out and what not, and I head to the back to change into it.

All of the colored dresses felt weird and uncomfortable, I didn't want to wear an ichy fabric. But a silky, pale pink dress seemed and felt perfect. I wanted to wear it, so badly. I slid it on, and pranced out of the changing room.

"This one." I say gently. The floor length baby pink gown had a tiny train, I would wear silver jewels with it.

"Alex will love it." I say, looking at my girls. "I'm going to marry my best friend. While my friends are around."

Andys girlfriend Sasha grins and hugs me and the others join in. "My baby girl is growing up." My mom states.

After going back to the hotel room to watch movies, I sneak out a little while later after Alex texts me to meet him in the hallway. "How was your night?" He asks.

"We just had a Magic Mike marathon, it had been great, but I only wanted to see you." I wink at him.

He grins. "I missed you too." He kisses me gently. "Are they asleep?"

"Yes." I nod, "want to come in?"

"No, I can't, but I wanted to say goodnight to you and our baby." His arms wrap around me and his hands sit on my stomach. "I love you two."

"We love you too." Alex sits on his knees and kisses my stomach gently.

"I love you so much, infant. I can't wait to meet you, but I'm marrying your mama tomorrow, isn't that fun?" He chuckles. "It is, so you'll probably feel things tomorrow night, so watch out in there."

"Alex we-" he shushes me and kisses my stomach before getting up, kissing me goodnight and pushing me into the room with an I love you.


Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now