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"You're late." Silas tsks. "Did you have fun on your date?"

"I sure did." I blush. Trying not to think of the fun Alex and I had.

"What did y'all do?" Andy asks.

"We went to Dennys, and then to the beach, and now we're here." I chuckle.

"You changed at the beach?"

"Gas station." I lie.

"Mhmm, so where did he give you the hickey?"

"The beach."

They roll their eyes.

"You've never been a good liar, Petal."

"We went to a-"

"You went to a hotel. We know. Jack told us."

Well, they don't know we had sex.

"Hickeys, Petal. Hickeys." Gavin laughs. I cover up my neck, blushing hard.

"Alright, so we're going band and crew against band and crew." A man that works at the arena instructs. "So, whenever it's decided, lets go."

"No mercy on your significant other or best friend." Andy chuckles, pointing his state at me.

"I guess you haven't played with me in a while, Andy. I show no mercy." I grin, placing our teams green paintballs in the gun and making sure that the pressure is good.

"Ready baby?" Alex asks, going in for a kiss.

"It's war." I respond, and then slam my mask down on my face before he could kiss me. I stick my tounge out and he walks away chuckling. I lift my mask back up before we decide how this is gonna go, as we play capture the flag.

Both teams hide it at different times while the other is in a secluded area, not aloud to see. We put our flag around a tree limb.

Before the game even started, Alex texted me.

Alexander// If you tell me where your flag is I'll make you feel really good, again tonight;)

Petal// Oh Alex, you'd do that if I asked anyway ;)

I respond and watch his face as he reads the response. He has to take a deep breath and winks at me, but he's blushing.

Alexander// You're not wrong.

Petal// Am I ever?

"Alright, so, are we ready, geared up?" The man asks. We all mutter variations of yes, and the man begins to explain the rules.

We head to our sides of the arenas, and since I can move quick enough, I'm sent to try and receive their flag and dodge them while Andy has my back.

I run quickly after the bell rings and I jump over obstacles, immediately, I hear people get shot and shooting and I laugh quietly, before hiding behind a wooden board with andy.

"I think I spotted it." He says. "Your boyfriend and Zack are gaurding it. It's way in the back, and it's also way up a tree. Can you climb that?"

"I can try. Just cover me. Help me shoot them as we get closer. How did you see them in the first place?" I ask.

"I'm nearly seven foot tall and I jumped over obstacles." He laughs.

"Shh." I demand, hearing footsteps.

"Ohh, tinkerbell." Jack calls. "I can hear you."

"Nah," I say, running quickly and shooting him on the way, accidentally hitting his crotch, him groaning in pain. I grin triumphantly. "Sorry!" I shout.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now