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"Sorry I'm late." Silas says, coming into the conference room, "I was visiting my mother."

"It's okay." Our regular manager, Lucas responds. "Now that we're all here, I'd like to introduce you to your new tour manager, Walter."

I wanted to snicker at his name, but Andy had already beat me to it. "Is he grumpy?"

"Oh quit." I giggle. "He's not old, is he?"

"Can you guys be mature for two minutes?" Lucas couldn't help but to chuckle too.

"Sorry." We all say.

"Nah, not really grumpy, and I'm the same age as you guys." A man says, giggling. "I actually get that a lot."

He was tall, with brown eyes and shaved brown haired sides, and a purple floof on top. I couldn't help but to find him a little bit attractive, but he was obviously gay, not like I would leave Alex, anyway.

"Ashland left the tour plan with Lucas before resigning, we'll go over that real quick, but first, do you guys have any questions for me?"

"Yeah, what's your phone number?" Gavin asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm uh, I'm seeing someone." Walter blushes, but gives his number for tour purposes, leaving Gavin to pout.

I already like this guy.

We go over tour, and get to know eachother. He is in fact, gay, and worked at Hot Topic since he was sixteen, there was a lot more to him than it seemed. He's a sweet guy that Gavin couldn't take his eyes off of.

"I'm very sorry to inturupt, I have an appointment in about fifteen minutes, I've gotta go." I stand up, shake Walters hand along with Lucas', and then kiss my boys cheeks before hurrying down to my car.

I don't often have appointments like this, but this one is very important. "Petal Shay to see Doctor Wallace. Thank you."

I didn't like the stares I had been recieving from adults that looked like they needed to be here, too.

"Petal? C'mon back." The nurse opens the door and allows me in. "Let's check your blood pressure, your weight, and height, and then she'll see you. You know the drill."

I nod and stand on the scale, getting everything done. "Thank you, Nurse Michael."

She hugs me, "No problem sweet pea." We have been close for many years.

I knock on Doctor Wallaces door before going in, even though it was open.

"Petal! How nice to see you! How was tour?" She asks from her desk, smiling.

"It was really great!" I answer. "I made a lot of new friends."

"You know, I follow PopBuzz on Facebook," She starts, "And from my understanding, you have a boyfriend?"

"Shouldn't I be the one bringing that up? You're my psychologist." I chuckle.

"You're right, but have we wver followed the rules when it has come to your bands publicity?"

"I suppose not." I chuckle. "Well, yes I do. And it's been a few months, and just the other day, we told eachother that we love eachother."

"You do love him?"

"I do." I smile. "I dropped him off at the airport this morning."

"So I also had noticed that you guys are undergoing new management? Whys that?"

I look down at ny feet, "Do you remember me telling you how Ashland had clearly been flirting?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well, he had started to get into my relationship, like trying to split us up, and taking private photos of us, and posting them, which wasn't anything Alex and I couldn't handle, besides the placing of thoughts in my head and occasional fights.

"Then, about two weeks ago, Alex and I, um, had sex for the first time, and laster that night, Ashland was drunk. He physically assaulted me." I look up at her, moving my hair out of my face. "And I knocked him out, and I didn't tell Alex.

"Then, when I'm home about seven days, he comes by on a morning Silas and I were going out, and he tried to apologize. I had told him multiple times to stay away from me, but he didn't. So I yelled, and he attacked me, slamming me against the door jam and he was probably going to hit me more than he already had, if it hadn't been for Silas walking up the driveway and attacking him."

"So I'm guessing you never told anyone about your encounter the night you and Alex had sex?"

"My friend Jack. He had asdumed, but he was angry I never told him anything about it, so I ended up telling him, and he told me I needed to tell Alex, or someone.

"It was too late to tell them. I was at the airport."

"Do they know now?"

"Obviously, and Alex was infuriated with me because he thought I was cheating because he saw the bruises on my arms."

"You said you had dropped Alex at the airport this morning?"

"Yes. Alex had flown down here after we argued a little bit, he fought for me, and I explained what had really happened, and he felt awful, but we made up."

"So I suppose I've been feeling the occasional spurts of depression, but it's situational. And my anxiety is always high, but luckily I haven't been as angry lately, either."

She started on the routine seven questions for my medication, and we ended up getting six points lower than last times results. She had decided to keep me on the same medication, not changing anything, and then she called the nurse in, and I left to pick up my prescriptions for the next three months.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now