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December 14


My phone buzzes and a rise of panic sets through me. I check it.

Jack// We're on our way back!

"Okay guys! They're on their way. We're just about done, good, but Jack said ten minutes. Let's be done in five!" I call to my family and Alexs. The doorbell rang, and Nano jumps down from the ladder after the banners up, getting it, letting Phil and Tom in.

I slip into mine and Alexs' room, grabbing the silky silver dress he bought me last month from the closet, throwing it on instead of jeans and a messy tshirt, and also throwing on black tights. It looked amazing on me to my eyes, I just hoped Alex would think so too.

I came back out of my room to a "5 min" text from Jack. A warning that if everything isn't done to get my ass in gear.

"Hey guys, thank you so much for coming." I tell the fifteen or so people in my home. "I appreciate it a lot, and I'm very sure that Alex will too! They'll be here any minute, so hide!"

I turn out the lights and put my robe on after everyone seems to be well hidden, and I smile. I really hope Alex likes this. I hear the door open, and I hide my smile. "Hey guys." I say, hugging Jack and Alex. "How was lunch?"

"It was good." Alex smiles, looking me up and down. "You weren't awake when I left though, so you suck. Did you just wake up?"

I kiss his cheek, avoiding his question. "Boo, hoo."

"Whys it so dim in here?" He turns on the lights.

"Suprise!" People shout. I grin at Alexs smiling face as he goes to greet the people that are here.

I slide off my robe, talking to Jack and Rian, "Is he having a good day?"

"Yeah, he definitely is. He was worried about you at first though, hoping you weren't sick or anything." Rian responds.

"Thank you for taking him out."

"What'd you get him for his birthday?" Jack asks.

"You'll see when everyone else does." I grin. "I can't tell you."

"Oh! C'mon you can trust us!" Rian says.

"No because you guys said you'd invite Mark Hoppus and Travis and Skiba and they're not here are they?" I stick my tounge out at him.

"Not my fault!" Jack giggled. "Tell me."

"No." I walk away from them because the doorbell rang, sticking my tounge out at them. I open the door and see Zack at the door. I squeal and hug him happily. "I've missed you! Come in, come in!"

"Zack!" Alex smiles, seeing one of his best friends and hugging him. I'm glad Alex is enjoying this. He deserves this. They talk for a minute or two and I thank Tom and Phil for coming.

I wished Cassadee could be here too, but she's on tour.

Alex comes back and gives my cheek a big smooch, making me blush. "Thank you, Princess. I'll wait patiently for tonight, or once everyone leaves." He whispers in my ear seductively.

"I don't enjoy being aroused around people." I respond, whispering in his ear back. He smiles in acheivement. He licks his lips and drags me with him to talk to people. I hear the doorbell again, and Jack saying he would get it.

"Alex Gaskarth was my idea." I hear a not-so-familar voice say. I raise my eyebrows and turn around, a bit stricken by the man and his family standing in my living room.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now