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Sorry this is a day late! I had job interviews and it had been quite a chaotic week! But I got the job! I'll do my best to keep updating. I set an alarm on my phones calander...
Anyway! Enjoy! Vote, comment, & share 💖


"I know, baby. I miss you." Silas tells Allie. "She's okay but, she just went for a full body scan. They seemed excited over something."

Why were the doctors and attendings excited? What the hell did they have to be excited about? My mom dying? My mom being discharged?

Besides to shower and sleep for a little while, I hadn't been home very much the past two weeks. I didn't want to leave my moms side. She hasn't been lucid, so she went through phases of having zero idea who I had been and assuming I had been someone working with her or under her, an old friend, a younger version of me, or her mother. And the same for Silas, but she thought he was dad, the scumbag that left us all.

Alex is with his family right now, so I didn't want to bug him, but I needed his comfort. I missed him. Gavin and Andy have been up here a few times too, because Alison had been a second mother to them too. I missed Jack, but I had been avoiding his calls and texts, too. I didn't want to worry anyone. My band is worried enough.

My heart ached, I missed my friend, and I missed my boyfriend.

"Lets go." Jack says, sitting in front of me, taking me by suprise. "I'm taking you to get something to eat." I look over at Silas with a look of betrayal stamped across my face. He smirks slightly at me and I huff, standing up, grabbing my purse.

Jack laces his arm with mine and drags me along with him and puts me in the passenger seat with him. "Buckle up, I'm not the best driver."

I grumble and yawn. "You know, to hear from Silas and not you, is a bitch move. I was so worried about you. I've been to your house many times, and I've talked to Alex enough to know that you weren't with him." Jack looks at me sadly.

"So I decided to call Silas, who told me that you didn't want to see me because you didn't want me to see you a mess about this, which I understand, but Petal, I've seen you at your worst times, and this is one of them. Let me in. I'm your best friend. I'm supposed to be here." He wasn't mad. He was genuinely hurt.

"I'm sorry, Jack." I frown, leaning over to hug him before he buckled up. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Have you talked to Alex?"

"Yeah." I lie. Not much since the first day. "Well, not really." I admit, I didn't want him to be upset with me for lying, and I didn't want him to be upset with me for not talking to Alex very much. "He's got family over still, and it's about to be Halloween. I don't want to ruin his family time."

"Petal, he's worried about you. Short answers to his questions? Like you probably planned on giving me?"

"I don't want to ruin his time, worrying like hell about me. My mom is okay. I'm okay." I snap. "I just, I'm scared."

I had been glad Jack didn't pull all the way out of the parking lot yet, because he speed the car and hugged me again. His hugs are the third best in the world.

Next to my mothers and Alexs'. "I do need to call him. I promise I will tonight, okay?" I mumble into Jacks neck.

"Okay. I just don't like seeing my best friends upset. You need eachother."

"So where are you taking me?" I ask him, pulling away.

"Olive Garden." He smirks.

"Just for me?" I grin, teasingly.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now