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"This is a bad time to bring things up," I mutter, relaxing in his arms as we lay naked over the blankets on his bed. "But where will we live? I love Baltimore, but, I can't see myself living here. This isn't my home." I didn't want to upset him. This had been the least of my concerns.

"I love LA, we can move there. I'm sure we can find a home there." He smiled as he traced patterns on my skin. "I want to keep this place though, its paid off and won't cost much for bills.

"I can pack most of my things for our home, and leave things here for when we come back. Like when we see my family, come to town, or anything like that. I hope to see them frequently. I could continue paying the maid to come by like she does when I tour, to clean up every couple of weeks." He continues.

"So you want to expand the home in LA or move somewhere bigger?" I ask.

"You rent there, right? So you can't really expand. We can buy a home for both of us and an extra bedroom, if we want."

I nod at his reply and swallow the fear in my throat of his reply to my next statement."Alex, I want to have a baby eventually."

"I know, baby. That's a very small reason why we're getting married." He kisses my nose.

"Why do you love me so much to marry me?" I ask.

"I have so many reasons, like I said. I'll tell you a few. You're sweet to everyone you meet, you're hardly ever mean, and when you are, you have a reason to be. You have so much patience, you're going to need that with me, and you know it. You have the biggest heart.

"We have the same views on the world, I love that. I love that we have deep conversations. I love that mostly we're playful and not as mushy as we were today. I love that you're a giggly person, and when you're sad, you try to make yourself smile. I love that you can't stay away from me for too long, like when you're mad at me.

"I love that you can't stay mad. You'll hate this, but I love how you look when you're mad. It's really hot. I love that you're friends with my friends, and that you're a people person and that people love you, too. I love so many things about you. You'll make a wonderful mother, and you're a wonderful role-model." He kisses my forehead.

"When I had been younger? I didn't think anyone would ever love me enough to want to marry me. You won't leave me, right?" I ask, tears in my eyes.

"I won't ever, ever leave you. Not even on tour. Because you're right beside me. You help me line up things in my life, you and all the events in my life, have proven that it's all a big constellation. I'm not going to leave a part of me. Ever."

"I want to marry you so that I can spend the rest of my life with you, and that's what we're going to do." I kiss his chest that I'm cuddled into. "I love you, Petal. Petal Gaskarth has a beautiful ring to it."

"It really does." I smile. I felt like a schoolgirl with a crush with Mrs. Petal Gaskarth written all over her notebook. "I love you too."

"I asked your family for permission to marry you, so they knew I had been going to propose, when are we going to tell them?" He asks.

"When we see them in person. We're telling your parents first."

"Baby, you've already seen them a couple times." Alex laughs at my nervous antics when we turn down his parents street, "They love you!"

"I know, I know, but telling them that we're getting married? That's scary."

"Baby, they didn't know about me going to propose, but I promise they'll aprove." He squeezes my hand gently.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now