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"Hello Toronto." Gavin beams as we step off the plane.

I breathe in the fresh air off of the plane, and chill at the different weather. "Hello, dear ground, I have missed you." I bend down and graze the asphalt with my hand, making the others roll their eyes at my over dramatic attitude.

We get our many bags, luckily, we hadn't lost any, and we catch a ride to our venue in two of their vans. Quickly, Walter goes over the schedule before we get to the venue in the vans, knowing that when we get to the venue, no one will be paying attention.

The van parks, and I jump quickly out of it, seeing Alex. "You litterally saw him five days ago!" Silas calls. "And you gotta grab your bags, dipshit!"

"Suck my dick!" I shout back giggling, still running. Alex had been talking to Bryan, at least 2000 yards away with his back turned, but the way he had been standing, he looked pissed off, so I slow to a jog.

Bryan moves his hand as to tell him I'm around the corner, and Alex turns around, his face softening a little. He meets me since if the way and takes my face in his hands, kissing me roughly.

"Wow, someone missed me." I giggle, pulling back. "You okay?"

"Of course I did, baby." He wraps his arms around me, not answering my question. "I love your hair." It was pastel blue now, and I had gotten it cut just a little bit.

"What's wrong, Alexander?" I frown. "And thank you."

"Walk with me, so we can get your bags and unload you guys' equipment?" He pulls away.

I nod, taking his hand. "It's really not a big deal," he starts, "We just can't get the week off in London like we planned, but we do have a weekend. I wanted to show you where I grew up."

"We could take a special trip out there sometime." I swing our hands between us as we walk.

"I suppose." I see him smile from my peripheral vision.

I raise my eyebrows, "I'll race you to the van!" I run off, him quickly rushing ahead of me, both of us panting when we got there.

"Ha, you lost!" I cheer.

"I'm getting too old for this. I'll be thirty in like, eight months, be quiet."

"Nah, you're always going to be twenty five to me." I kiss his cheek and grab my suitcases.

He grabs some of the guys' equipment, chuckling. "I wish I had the same hair."

"Oh your hair looks amazing, hush." I grin. "So Allie's meeting me here tonight to watch the show and I'll be with her first thing in the morning. She's excited to meet you."

"Well, any friend of yours is a friend of mine."

"You know, her and I have been friends for many years, and we have met in person only a few times. We actually met on Tumblr." I chuckle, "Reblogging eachothers pictures of bands and whatever."

"Any pictures of me?"

"I deactivated that account when we got a record deal, so you can't see it, so I'm not answering that."

"Well, they bonded over Pete Wentz' nudes, I'm pretty sure that you're in there somewhere." Silas buts in. I blush a dark shade of red amd hide my face, I knew Alex was staring at me.

"How did you know about that?!" I ask, baffled.

"Petal, you talk loudly and our rooms were right beside eachother. Also you squealed, and I follow you on Tumblr. Reblogging them everytime they were on your dash?"

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now