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"Baz, Pey, lets go wake up Mommy." I smile at my dogs, who followed me into the kitchen as I made breakfast for my beautiful girl. I set the counter top with two plates of food and head upstairs with my dogs.

"Wake up mommy." I say again, chuckling as my dogs jump on the bed and Peyton nudges her hands as Baz sniffs her.

I had my phone our recording a video of them, but I turned it off when I walked over too see Petal sound asleep with her bed head in clouds of blue. The dogs were still trying to wake her, making me giggle, so I straddled her over the blankets.

I moved her hair out of her face and she stirred a little bit. Even though I was certain I was about to smell her morning breath, I leaned down and kissed her soft pale pink, dry lips because I didn't mind it. After a couple seconds she fluttered her eyes open, and then closed them again, not wanting to be awake.

What was it Jack said a few months ago that woke her?

"Am I going to have to fuck my princess to get her to wake up?" I say, bluntly and seductively.

"Alex- you can't say that." She turns crimson as her eyes open.

"No one but my dogs heard it." I wink at her. "I mean, I'm totally up for it, but I made you breakfast, and it'll get cold if you don't eat it now."

"Well, one day then." She jokes, genuinely I couldn't tell if she had been kidding or not, but I still will stick to my guns and always get her consent.

Half way through eating, I show her the video of the dogs and she giggles, "Mommy?" She asks. "I'm not ready to be a mommy this morning."

"Yeah." I laugh nervously, scratching the back of my head. "I thought it'd be cute." I brushed off her not ready to be a mommy comment I didn't want to talk about that right now.

"Don't post that anywhere, promise?"

I promised nothing. "So I'm going to show you around Baltimore today, and introduce you to Nano, as well as my parents. Is that okay?"

"I'm one hundred percent ready to meet your family." She smiles, "Although, I'm a bit nervous."

"Don't be, love. They'll love you." I kiss her soft lips. "Do you want to shower together?"

She glances at the clock, "There's no time for escapades, but yes."

I stick my tounge out at her. "Brat."

"Your brat." She giggles.

"You're right." I take our dishes and rinse them before putting them into the dishwasher. I follow her up into the bathroom, taking off our clothes as she adjusts the water to get it comfortable for her. I look at the few and barely noticeable love bites that she left on my body and I grin.

"I'm sorry about your back." She apologizes again. I turn around to look at it.

"It really isn't bad at all, and it was really sexy." The lines weren't even red anymore, and they were barely visable as well.

The love bites on her boobs though, you could see those pink and plump, and the small one on her neck behind her ear. "Hey Petal?" I ask. She looks over at me. "Are you sure we don't have time for 'shenanigans'?"

She giggles and rolls her eyes, stepping into the shower and calling out from the glass wall. "We don't have time, but I'll let you wash my body and I can wash yours." And we did exactly that. It had been very intimate, and it was hard not to be turned on. She lights every fire in my body.

About fourty five minutes later, we're out of the house and ready to go "explore." I knew where we would be going, but she insisted on calling it exploring. 

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now