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"Alex?" I come out of the room looking for him.

I call out again, and I hear a hitch of breath to my left. I turn my head, and there he is. Head hung in his hands. "I apologize," He mutters.

"Wha-Why would you apologize?" I ask.

"I kissed you. You probably didn't want that, for all I know. You left last time. Not even getting my number."

"Alex, Silas thought you were trying to use me, just to get to me. And he knew how much I admire you guys, and the music you create. He knew that you're an inspiration to us. Your music has always made me really, really happy. He didn't want that to change." I pour out. "He explained that to me later that night."

He looks up at me, "Trust me, I definitely wanted your number, Alex. He just, he put thought into my head. And I had those thoughts already. I didn't think you'd want to see me again. I didn't think you'd remember me."

"Can we start over?" He asks. "I want to get to know you more than the games in there. Let's go get dinner, are you hungry?"

I chuckle, "Yeah, Alex. That'll be fine." I lean over and kiss his cheek. "Let's just go to my bus and I'll cook?"

"Nuh-uh, we've got to go out."

"I don't think any restaurants are open at eleven thirty, Alex." I chuckle.

"You're right." He sighs. "Fine, we can go to your bus, but we've got to tell the others first."

"Oh no."

"It won't be that bad." Alex chuckles. "Come on." He leans over and pecks my cheek, standing up and then helping me up too. Alex puts in for an uber and then we go to the door.

As we open the door, Jack, Silas, and Gavin all stuble a little, because they were leaving on the door trying to hear. I laughed and said, "Well, then I guess you know we're going out, see ya." I didn't miss the look on Ashlands face, but I ignored it.

Alex takes my hand and we walk downstairs and into an uber, and I wondered what we would have in store for us tonight.

I unlock the buss door and drag Alex in, I couldn't get us kissing out of my head.

"Well, I don't have much to eat, but is Mac & Cheese okay?" I ask, laughing.

Alex nodded, "So what's your favorite color?" He questions.

"Blue, yours?"

"Red. What kind of movies do you like?"

"Genuinely I can't sit through movies, I try, but I don't have a huge attention span, but I really love action movies and tv shows."

"What's your favorite tv show?"

"Oh, you're going to laugh, but Greys Anatomy. I also really like the show Arrow, with Oliver Queen who gets stranded on an island."

"Those are completely different types of shows." He laughs.

"I like Supernatural a lot, too. Now, tell me yours." The food is finished cooking, so I prepare it as we continue chatting and start eating.

"I like a lot of things, but nothing scary." He answers in between bites.

"Good thing my favorite shows aren't scary then. We'll have to have a marathon one day on Netflix. And I seriously mean watching Netflix. No funny business."

"What's your favorite sport?" I ask him.

"I like Baseball and Football. Sometimes hockey, honestly. I'm not exactly a basketball person though."

"I fucking love baseball."

"Really? No way."

"I'm more into playing it, but I still love it."

"Favorite team?"

"It varries, but I like the Chicago Cubs, and also the Texas Rangers."

His smile is unmissable.

"What got you into music?" He now asks.

"What do you mean?" I respond.

"Like what got you into singing as a career?"

"I have a beautiful voice and a knack for writing." I wanted to see where it would take me."

We continue chatting, and once we ficus eating, we both help clean up. "It's not even one yet." I chuckle, "I don't want to say goodnight yet."

We decide to watch Netflix, I put my feet in his lap and grin teasingly.

After watching The Last Holiday with Queen Latifa in it, Alex decides he should probably go to his bus.

"Was the kiss as his as you remembered?" I asked as we stand at the door.

"Mm, I don't remember. Show me again?" He mutters.

He pulls me to him, and immediately one of my hands go to his neck and the other on his arm, he's holding my face with one hand, and the other rests on the small of my back, holding me close.

Our lips move together gently, and his lips are rough, I feel so vulnerable when I kiss him.

I pull away, breathless.

"Better than I remembered." He mutters, pecking my lips again.

"Goodnight, Petal." Alex whispers, heading out.

"Hey Alex!" I tease after he's a few feet away. "Aren't you gonna get my number?" He comes back, chuckling. We exchange numbers and then I smirk, "You're not gonna wait a few days before you call me, right?"

"With you? I won't be able to hold back."

Not even two minutes later, he texts me.

Alex// What's your middle name?

Petal// Crys.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now