Chapter 6

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I'm standing in the room alone with Eric, his arms crossed against his chest. His lips puckered in aggravation.

"I don't want to talk to you." I attempt to open the door but it's locked. Even if I did escape I bet Max would throw me back in. "Eric...just let me go." I put my hand up against my forehead.

"No." he says calmly.

"No?" I laugh, I sit down across from him. "Then talk."

"I want you to move in."

"What? No." I'm startled by what he's asking me to do.

"Yes. This isn't up for discussion. I'm having Max move your things into my apartment."

"You can't do this!" I shout.

"Oh but I can. Who's going to stop me?"

"You're a psychopath!" I scream at him. "Why can't you leave me alone?"

"I would gladly but like I've said before my child. Im going to be here for this child, raise it Dauntless so it can become Dauntless and become a leader- just like me."

"So this is what it's about? You want this child in hopes it'll be the next dauntless supremacy?" I say disgusted. "I don't want you anywhere near my child." I stand up and so does he, he leans in to grab my wrist, tight.

"Eric... let me go." I say trying to not to cry.

"No." he says sternly unaffected by my tears. "Whether you like it or not you're living with me now. Here's the key. You have no access to your old apartment." He puts a key in my hand and sends me on my way.

I want to be alone and just think, I head to the chasm to watch the rapid water below, I sit with my feet dangling down but a bar is in front of me keeping me from falling.

"Don't fall." Peter says behind me.

"Wouldn't care if I did." I mumble.

Peter stops to look at me, we're neither friends or enemies. He sits down beside me, "what's wrong?"

"What do you care?"

"You're right I don't." He says but he doesn't leave.

"Is it because you have to no friends that we have to sit here and talk to me?" I say to him referring to Molly and Drew who got kicked out of dauntless because of their rank.

"I do have friends, Eric."

"Eric isn't friends with anyone." I scowl.

"You're right. But he offered me a position."

"How lucky for you."

"We talk you know?"

"You and Eric?" I say.

"Yeah. We talk."

"Oh so I'm sure he's told you a lot." I say referring to me being pregnant.

"Eric is a tough guy. Mean, rude, cares for nobody but himself. Could probably kill anyone just by a punch- except Four." He cracks a joke referring to Eric being number two in his class, Four being first.

"What's your point Peter?"

"My point is, I think he cares about you."

"What has he told you exactly?" I begin to question.

"Nothing but I mentioned your name once and he nearly chocked me from across the table."

"So you don't know anything?"

"I take it you guys had a bad breakup or something?"

"No, it's complicated I don't really want to talk about it."

"I can be your friend in here Elena." He gets up from next to me and walks away.

"You okay?" Uriah asks me walking over, "I just saw you with Peter that's all."

"I'm fine. What're you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm here because Zeke was worried about you, he told me Eric out you in intelligence and that Max took you away to, talk?"

"Yeah. Max brought me to Eric."

"What happened?"

"Eric forced me out of my apartment and guess who I live with now?"

"No." Uriah raises his eyebrows, "you can come live with me. You don't have to stay with him."

"Uriah, I-I don't know what to do." I sigh. "I'm at this constant battle with myself."

"Live with me." Uriah pleas.

"Eric's never going to stop, you and I both know this. He's only going to hurt you when he finds out. He's relentless." I stand up as Uriah does too, I hug him, "thank you." I walk away and head to Eric's- my apartment.

I walk in the door of the familiar apartment and I see boxes of my stuff in the living area. I notice he only has one bed, that's annoying. I wish he never invited me back to his apartment that night, I wish I wasn't pregnant. I thought Eric was different that night, but it only shows, I look at the scar on my left arm from when he threw the knife at me. It only shows he's not the person I hoped he was, gentle, loving, careful. Boy, was I wrong.

I look through the boxes with my stuff in it, I don't have a lot, I have an old candor jacket I should probably throw out, and Dauntless black clothes, nothing else really. As I scrimmage through my boxes when I hear the door open. Eric.

I try my best to ignore him but he doesn't say anything to me. He just sits on the couch, his arms spread out on the top of the couch. He crossed his legs and glares at me.

"What?" I say annoyed.

He lifts his shoulders up.

"Stop looking at me." I scowl to him. "It's not polite to stare." I say using his own words against him.

"Sit down."


"Sit down."

I oblige and sit next to him, on the other end of the couch leaving several inches between us.

He hooks his hand around my waist and pulls me in close to him, I feel tiny and helpless compared to him. His face is close to mine, I almost forgot why I even liked him in the first place until I gaze back into his blue eyes. He cups his hand on my face rubs his thumb over my cheek. He inches in closer kissing me, the feel of his soft red lips against mine sends me into complete submission. I wanted him just as bad as he wanted me. The damage is done but I realize I can't be with him like this. His lips move down to my neck sending the same pleasurable sensation as the last night.

"I don't want to." I gain the courage to push him away.

"Why not?" He grabs my hand.

"I, I don't know." I say not able to come up with a reason, "I just, you aren't the person..."

His lips resume on my neck making me lose my train of thought.

"Eric." I put my hands on his shoulders to push him away again but instead I grab a fist full of his tshirt and pull him on top of me.

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