Chapter 8

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I walk into the dining hall and feel the heat of everybody's eyes on me. I shift uncomfortably when I find my seat next to Uriah, "Why is everybody looking at me?" I ask him.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Don't pay any attention to it." Uriah doesn't even look at me, it's as if he's giving me the cold shoulder. I scoff and leave the table to find someone else to sit with. Uriah doesn't even blink an eye when I get up.

Eric shows up and it feels like the chattering in the dining hall dies down. I feel my stomach start to twist in a knot. I try my best to avoid him but he cuts me off causing me to bump into him. I try to turn away from him, but he grabs my arm harshly.

"Let me go," I say through gritted teeth. My cheeks flush red realizing he's doing this in the middle of the dining hall, I can just feel all the gossip spreading around me.

"We both know I can't do that." He peered down at me with darkening eyes, unaffected by the gossiping others.

I yank my hand out of his grip and sprint out of the dining hall, Eric following me. I sharply turn around at him, "who did you tell?" I shout at him my hands in fists.

He seems taken back by the accusation. "I didn't tell anyone. Why would I? It's our business and ours only."

"No Eric this isn't your business," I say frustrated. "Can't you see I don't want you in this child's life! I'm sixteen I mean, I don't even want this child."

"It's mine isn't it?" He continues, knowing the answer, "It is my business. My child. My business. You'll have to deal with the fact that you can't get rid of me. This child will be my heir."

"I don't want to deal with any of it," I say trying to hold back the tears waiting to flood down my face. "Your heir," I laugh sarcastically. "You're a piece of work you know that." A tear escapes from my eye. "Everyone knows."

He yanks my arm and leads me down the hallway, away from all the murmurs that surrounded us. It was just us in the corridor when he stopped and turned towards me. "What the hell is going on, Elena? Don't defy me in front of all my people. Remember your place here, it's not to long ago you were just an initiate." His grip indenting my forearm.

"I might of just been an initiate not to long ago, but don't you forget your place of knocking one up." I say angry at his action.

He laughs menacingly. "EXACTLY. I did knock you up, therefore, it's my baby too! All this means is that this is happening, you are having this child. Don't be scared, that's weakness."

"I'm not scared." I say low.

He raises an eyebrow, "Bullshit. Explain your fearscape then." He whispered it tauntingly in my ear.

I stiffen up, shocked that he had even brought it up. My face feels hot, I know that I'm blushing. I can't come up with anything good and I start stammering, "why can't you just leave me alone?"

"You're having my baby." He shrugs.

I run my hands through my hair frustrated. "Doesn't it frighten you?"

"No. Nothing frightens me." He was a wall. He blandly stood there giving nothing away.

"The people knowing, it doesn't bother you that every time you walk down the hall you have judgmental eyes following you, judging your every moral?"

"That doesn't happen to me." He puffs his chest out.

I sigh, of course no one will say shit to Eric. "Peter knows, you know. Someone told him."

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