Chapter 57

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The next morning I get out of bed, Eric resting next to me shirtless as he groans awake from me shifting out of bed and I head to the closet and grab my uniform. Eric props his head up and watches me undress.

"Are you going to sit there gawking?"

"Can't we skip work for today?" He whines. "Stay here in bed with me."

I crawl on bed and plant a kiss on his lips. "You have work too," I back away and continue getting dressed in my uniform. "You should start getting ready or you'll be late."

He groans and playfully throws a pillow at me. "Come back to bed."

I give him a sly smile. I button up the top of my uniform. "I can't be late, Eric."

"I think I'm the boss, aren't I?"

"So is it an order to come back to bed?"

"Everything I say is an order to you, cadet." He smiles.

I crawl back into bed and lay on top of him, his strong arms holding me close to him. I missed him, missed the warmth of his bare body against mine. The soft touch of his lips, the feel of his fingertips trailing up and down my spine. The sensation ,6 of him filling me.

We go a few rounds and breathless beside him I look over at him and ask, "breakfast?"

"I'm starving."

I get out of bed and grab my wrinkled uniform off the floor and frown. I'm already late--what's a few more minutes to iron it. I put on my robe and head into the children's rooms waking them all up to get ready for school and make breakfast for everyone--eggs.

I iron my clothes in the living room and I look over at the time and realize I'm now two hours late. I know Peter will have a fit--if he even talks to me. I guess a prop of being the leader's wife.

I head back to bedroom and Eric and I both get dressed in our uniform. "Can you take the kids or do you want me too?"

"I can take them. You'll be in enough trouble at work if you're any later." He smirks.

"I guess then the boss will have to punish me for being late." I tease.

"I'll be looking forward to it."

I kiss him goodbye and head out the door.

Today I'm on the wall, when I climb the ladder to my section of the wall Peter is already there. He doesn't say anything about me being late and I don't bother to apologize. I grab my gun and scan the perimeter.

Hours pass by and it's excruciating, work used to be so fun, Peter and I would pass the time doing all kinds of thing but's boring, silent and painfully awaits.

I hear footstep clank against the hard steel of the wall. I look around to see Eric walking toward us.

I walk toward him and keep a professional composure. "How can we help you?"

He continues to walk towards me until his so close that I can feel his breath on my neck as he whispers, "I think you know exactly how you can help me."

"Eric," I whisper. "Not at work." I move my neck to expose more as Eric continues to kiss me there.

I can hear Peter grumble behind us and I push Eric away gently.

"We'll see about this little act of defiance later, cadet." Eric smirks.

I shy away from him and whisper, "Can't wait."

Peter walks over to us with heavy heated movement and I move closer to Eric.

"Can I help you, Hayes?" Eric turns to Peter.

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