Chapter 10

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I went to the doctors for a sonogram, I had just hit the ten week mark. This is just a checkup to make sure everything is going well, and it is. When sitting in the chair and the cold goop on my stomach I begin to feel sad, sad that I have no one to be here with me. I could've told Eric but right now I don't want to see him. I could've brought Uriah, but he hasn't been talking to me.

When the sonogram was over she had printed out a picture of the baby. I don't look at it, I just shove it into my pocket. Before heading back to the apartment I go to the pit not to do anything but just to sit and watch other people. I feel around my stomach which is slight extended.

"Why's so down?" Peter sits next to me.

"It's not like you care," I huff.

"Of course I care Elena," his voice sounding overly friendly.

"Peter, I can't take you being bipolar. One day you want to be my friend and the next you're calling me a prude. What is it?"

"You help me, I'll help you." He talks in code.

"Help you with what?" I scowl.

"We can be on the same team, ya' know? I can be a friend to you and you can help me get ahead the same way you did."

"What's that suppose to mean?" My expression angry, my arms crossed.

"Get me in good with Eric." He smiles.

"Same way I did," I repeat his previous words, "Peter, you wanna get in good with Eric?" I lean in closer and whisper in his ear, "then you go have sex with him."

He laughs tantalizing me, "No, you've already done that, so it makes my job pretty easy. I just have to get in good with you to get in good with Eric."

"You think just because I've had sex with him that my opinion about you, a good one, will make you his right hand man? I might be carrying his baby but it's not like he respects my opinion." I roll my eyes.

"Every little bit helps, sweetheart." His term of endearment wasn't so endearing.

"Why should I help you? What's in it for me?"

"A friend. God knows you need one."

"I have friends, like Uriah."

"Uriah?!" He chuckles. "He's the one who told me your little secret!"

"What?" My eyes nearly bug out of my head. "Uriah told you I was pregnant?" I say looking down at my lap where I'm fiddling with my fingers.

Peter rolls his eyes and sighs. "Yes Elena, I just said that."

"I don't believe you!" I say in a fit of rage.

"What do I have get out of lying to you? Think about it. It all makes sense to you, doesn't it?" He pinched the bridge of his nose clearly frustrated with me.

I put my hands on my head thinking, it does make sense. I begin to panic and leave Peter, I run to find Uriah. I find him in the dining hall and approach him roughly, this time I don't care if all the attention is on me.

"How dare you!" I shout to him.

His eyes widen at the sight of me. "E-Elena? What's up? What are you talking about?" He was clearly nervous.

"You told Peter, you told people. That's not your place and you know it! You were my friend, how could you?"

"E-Elena I'm-"

"Save it." I walk away and head back to the apartment, I just want to be alone. I throw my jacket on the chair in the living room and head into the shower. The hot water and the steam making me aching muscles feel much better. I hear a door slam shut, Eric must be home. I ignore his loud footsteps and harsh actions of everyday life and continue shampooing my hair.

"ELENA," he yells.

I turn off the water and wrap myself in a towel, I run frantically out of the bathroom to find him thinking it's something important. I see him standing up straight and tall, he's holding up the picture I had gotten from the sonogram. I just stare at him.

"What the fuck? Were you going to tell? Maybe invite me along? HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT BEFORE YOU GET IT IN YOUR STUPID FUCKING HEAD? IT'S MY CHILD TOO. I'M THE FATHER."

I wrap the towel tighter around my body, my face is flushed with embarrassment. I wasn't going to tell him and I wasn't going to invite him- to any appointments. I want to cry at his harsh comment but I suck it up. "I didn't want you to come along." I say sternly.

"It's really not your choice. Not anymore. From now on I'm monitoring you like a hawk. I'll be planning ALL your appointments, if you keep defying me, I'll plan your ENTIRE day. Keep it up Elena, try me, I'll drag you along with me the entire day if I have to."

I stammer like an idiot, "Y-you don't have any right to do that," I point my finger weakly at him. "This baby lives inside me not you. I don't care if you're the father, you aren't the one going through this! When I'm nine months pregnant I have to deal with people staring at the sixteen year old who got knocked up by the leader, I have to give birth and I have to take care of it. I don't care what you say I have more authority over this than you do." I cross my arms.

"I don't need right. I'm in charge. I'm a leader. The baby may live inside you, but in the one who enabled it to happen. You can't have a baby without sperm. I am going through dealing with you! If you didn't make it all so complicated and you just goddamn listened to my orders it would all go a lot smoother, I may even reward you. You have no authority." He clutched his stomach and laughed the last part out as if it was the antic of the year.

"People look at me like I'm a joke." My teeth are grinding together. "You know Peter came up to me thinking just because I'm having your baby I can get him in good with you. Another person came up to me and said that her little sister is going to be a dauntless initiate next year and if she could sleep with you to get her through initiation like I did. People think what we have going on was nothing but me sleeping with the leader to get through, that I cheated and used you."

"Probably because you did. Now it's my turn to use you. That is my child in there," he pointed to my stomach, "and I WILL be involved with EVERYTHING."

"Probably because I did?!" I scoff. "Oh no, don't you dare pin this on me," I grab enough courage in me to point my finger against his hard chest almost hurting my finger. "Don't you remember how it went? I think you just used me so you could lose your virginity." I huff.

"As I recall, it was your first time too. You were the one who manipulated me into the whole ordeal. You coaxed me into sleeping with you, you even probably purposely go yourself knocked up just to fuck with my head like you are now. You did it as a step to get into the faction and now that you're in you're using this baby as power over me and leverage."

"You're such an idiot," I laugh. "I don't even want you near this baby! I don't want this baby and I don't want you in my life, why can't you just let me go!?" I cry into my hands, "I never wanted this."

"Well, it's happening so deal with it. I want the baby. After you have it, you can just leave if you want to. You're only needed for the next 6 and a half months." He acted as if he was negotiating with me.

For some reason I seem to cry even harder I can barely spit out any words to reply to him. "I wish I'd never met you."

Instead of getting mad, the obvious Eric reaction, he brought me into his arms and held me while I cried. "Okay. There, there." He grumbled. "Calm down now. That's enough."

My face is against his chest, his large arms around me. I feel safe, I wrap my arms around him to and hug him. I don't hate him, I hate the situation.

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