Chapter 56

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Eric grabs onto me and sits up, his back against the wall. I look at him. "That's not the children is it?" I say worried.

"I don't think so." He says slowly.

I climb off of him and scurry for my clothes, Eric does the same. I put the dress on and zip it up as best as I can--which is only halfway. I watch as Eric puts on his dress pants and a plain black shirt.

We head to the door at the same time, unlocking it and opening it to see, Peter.

"Wha-what the hell were you two doing?!" Peter yells.

"Peter, what are you doing here?" I try to fix my messed up hair. God I don't even want to know how flushed my face looks. If it's anything like Eric's I'm in trouble.

"What are you two doing here?! Are you cheating on me?!"

I'm not getting out of this one. "Technically I'm not cheating," I say quietly as I step back into Eric's broad chest.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Fuck you! Fuck him too! God! Of course I've wasted my time loving a girl whose legs are easier to get between than anyone else in the compound! You really are the slut of Dauntless!" He shrieks nearly pulls his hair out.

Eric steps in to defend me. "Watch your mouth Peter, that's my wife you're talking to." He smiles knowing that Peter, like everyone in the compound expect Max, is under his command. "She's not fucking easy and she's not a slut. Now stop being such an overreacting little bitch."

"Stay out of this, Eric! Elena, I trusted you! I love you! You said you choose me, yet here you are choosing him! You're throwing it all away for this man who never chooses you!"

In a way he was right. "Peter keep your voice down, my children are in the next few rooms," I whisper harshly. "Please we can talk about this another time or somewhere else. I do love you Peter the past two years weren't for nothing I swear--"

"Somewhere else! Now and away from him!" He points to Eric. "You couldn't just stay away from her, could you? Now that your little psychopath is dead."

I hold Eric back as he goes towards Peter. "Fine. Fine Peter," I look at Eric and give him a sympathetic look. I head out the door and Peter follows behind me.

"Didn't even have the decency to zip up your zipper?" Peter remarks.

Embarrassed I mumble, "I couldn't reach it." I try my best to hike the zipper up my dress further but have no luck.

"I was referring to him, Elena." He spits out angrily.

God I feel like crying. I don't say anything back as we maneuver down the hallways to somewhere more private.

I look at him. "I didn't meant to hurt you."

He chuckles. "Don't you see what's happening here? Or are you truly that blind to it all?"

"That's he's using me?" I look uneasy.

"Audrey died so naturally this shit happens between you two. Fucking ridiculous." He scoffs.

"Well it happened," tears flood my vision. "So what do you want me to say, this is going to end bad either way so fine, you already slut shamed just do want I know is coming already," I sob.

"I slutshamed you because you cheated on me! You told me you chose me and you loved me and you lied about it all! I was going to ask you to marry me, Elena! I was ready to give you everything and make you happy and this is what I get in return? I even gave up my dream of having children for you." His voice shaky.

"Peter," I cry. "I love you, I do love you so much and you make me happy, you made me so happy in these past two years, more than Eric could've, but I can't, I can't with the children. I can't break my family up."

"You didn't have to cheat on me. You didn't have to end it like this."

"I didn't mean to Peter, I swear I never meant for it to happen. It just--it just happened!"

"Stop. Stop talking. Stop explaining. You haven't even attempt to apologize so I'm just going to end this and leave. I never want to see you again. Don't call me up for the kids and don't try to talk to me at work. Just leave me the fuck alone, okay? We're through. Goodbye, Elena." He glares at me with glossy eyes before leaving.

I find it impossible to catch my breath as he walks away. I hold my hand over my mouth to silence an estranged sob. I run through the hallways and back to the apartment. When I open the door Eric is waiting anxiously as I run into him crying.

"He left me," I cry.

"I think you left him first, babe." He says softly.

I continue to wrap my arms around the comfort of his body as I hold him tighter. "Eric," my voice shaking.

"Shh. It's going to be alright, Elena." He gently strokes my hair attempting to soothe me.

My sobs quiet down as I rest my head against his chest. His voice and hands soothing me almost to sleep. It's silent for awhile and I almost forget the world around me. "It would've never worked out anyways," I say softly. "It was always you."

"Yeah. I think so too." He mutters.

"I love you, Eric," I whisper as I grasp my hands at his back.

"I love you."

I lean off his chest to look him in the eyes. "You mean it?"

"I always have."

My hands slip to his biceps as I bask in the fullness of his muscles. "We're meant for eachother." I smile.

"I think so too." He wraps his arms around me.


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