Chapter 38

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The next morning I wake up to the sound of Emery crying. I shush him but feel so utterly drained from crying last night, I'm not even sure if my sobs were audible or not. I don't remember passing out last night either all I can feel is a heaviness in my eyes. I head into the kitchen to feed Emery. My voice feels broken when I look at Eric walking in to make coffee.

"'Morning." He greets with a voice still heavy from sleep.

I hum in response and don't bother to look at him. I hear noises coming from Ean's room and I walk away to check on him leaving Eric to himself.

The next few days don't get any better and Eric and I have barely exchanged any words to each other. I look at the time, eleven o'clock, Eric is still at work and the boys are put to bed. I sit on the couch, a single lamp is turned on. I bring my left hand up to my face and stare at the wedding ring I hadn't taken off since.

I watch as Eric silently enters the apartment, startled when he sees me in his 'bed.'

"How was work?" The first thing I've said to him in days. I continue to stare at the diamond ring.


I watch as he sets his things down. I look at his left hand--cut up. "What happened?" I glare at it as he brings the hand to his face.

"1-No clue. 2-Confidential anyways."

I groan. "I forgot," I say snidely. I don't even know why I ask anymore.

"Unsurprisingly." He snickers.

"Just another bland day," I get up from his 'bed' and begin to walk away but I turn back to look at him. He looks at me.

"My days are never bland." He says in warning.

"I wasn't talking about you," I give him an angry glare.

"I forgot I asked." He mocks.

"I don't see why you would anyways. I do the same exact thing. Every. Day."

"Maybe it's a sign."

"Hmm," I roll my eyes. "Maybe."

"Well soon enough you'll be able to get to start work."

"Work?" I cross my arms. "What do you mean work?"

"Work. Like you'll get a job. God knows I'm not knocking you up anytime soon."

"Anytime soon," I snort quietly. "Well my king, fine. I'll get a job but then you have to take time off for the children. We can't leave them to a babysitter everyday."

"That's exactly what the extra help we were talking about before is for. Soon enough the kids will get sent to school anyhow. If you don't want to do it that way you can just work at night."

I scratch at my arm nervously. "I don't know. I don't want to leave them. I'm not ready."

"I said soon, if you bothered to listen." He furrows his eyebrows.

"I listened," I snarled. "I just don't know what your definition of soon is. I want to stay with them for their childhood years. Soon; is rather quick than what I expect."

"Their childhood years they will be in school. Your job is to be part of this faction first and foremost. Faction before blood." He laughs.

"I'll never go by that motto," I say through gritted teeth. "Fine. My leader, I'll get a fucking job."

"Good because Ean is starting school soon."

"I'm aware," I bark.

"Sorry to make you lift a nail, my queen." He mocks again.

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