Chapter 40

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Today's the day of Emerys birthday and I have woke up early from a nightmare. Eric wakes up to calm me down as I breathe heavily in his arms.

"Can I ask you something?" My back pressed against his stomach, his large arm clinging over me.

"Of course."

"Don't get mad at me," I pause. "Why did Audrey leave you if you were both happy?"

"I wasn't what she wanted."

I turn around to face him. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Do you think if I knew or understood why she left that I would've still been as fucked up as I was afterwards?" He sighs. "I don't know her reasonings, Elena. All I can come up with was that I wasn't what she wanted anymore."

"It just doesn't make sense. She seemed like she really liked you. Do you think maybe it wasn't her decision?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. I thought she really liked me too, but it's in the past. She left and she took my baby with her and the only decent thing she did was write me a letter saying that it was healthy."

"That's why it doesn't make sense, she left you for some reason of not wanting to see you, not wanting you in the baby's life. So why write the letter?"

"I don't want to talk about this."

I turn on my other side and sigh. "We don't have to."

"Good. None of it matters anymore anyways. It's a little too late for her to realize she fucked up now."

"I guess you're right. We have other things to worry about."

"Emery." He breathes out.

I nod my head. "I don't know what we're gonna do."

"We'll find a way."

"I can't believe he's one..." I say in disbelief.

"I can't believe how fast the time has gone."

"I'll go check on him, maybe he just wants some attention?"

"I'll check on the other three then."

I nod my head and walk into Emerys room, like always he wakes up and plays with his toys silently. He avoids eye contact with me but I kiss him anyways and say, "Happy birthday,"

He turns his head and grabs his teddy bear he never goes without. He stays silent and stares out the window; I notice it's raining. "Can I play with you?" No response.

I try to play peek-a-boo, trying to make him laugh--nothing. I'm not giving up but I have to leave the room, my back along the wall as I cover up my mouth. I badly want to scream, shout and curse. What was wrong with Emery? There's no doubt in my mind he's autistic just like there's no doubt Eric's brother is. I have to get these second and third opinions I have to be sure because if it's not autism there's something wrong because he's not responding.

I watch as Eric comes out of the twins nursery, he looks at me. "He's...he's not...normal," the word like poison on my lips.

"He's still our son. Plus, it's his birthday. We're not discussing this. We're celebrating him and his day."

I nod my head. "Yeah, did you-did you pick up the cake?" I play with a strand of my dirty blonde hair.

"I already told you I did."

"Right, sorry," I shake my head. "I'm just..." I don't bother finishing my sentence. "Is Ean up?"

"Hey, it's okay." Eric grabs my arms and moves his hands up and down them to comfort me. "Yes. He is. He's giggling today."

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