Chapter 69

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The next morning we wake up excruciating early. Five. To our surprise Ean is up.

"Can I come to work with you?"  Ean asks his father.

"Not right now. I'm running initiation with your mother and it's Dauntless code that you do not know what goes on in initiation son. I'm sorry." Eric frowns.

I can see the dissapointment form in Ean's eyes. "Can I meet the initiates at least?"

"One day you'll be one, you'll meet them then."

Ean straightens up and nods his head. He walks back to hs bedroom and I look at Eric as I hand him a fresh batch of coffee. "Think you'll be able to contain yourself today, sir?"

"Not a chance in hell." He smiles and sips his coffee.

"Maybe working together wasn't such a bad idea afterall," I take a sip of my own coffee.

"Really because I was thinking the opposite. I can't concentrate, no work gets done... I'm just very... distracted."

"I love having this effect on you," I set my coffee down and wrap my arms around him.

He kisses me and pulls back after a couple minutes. "I think we better get going. We'll continue this next time we come home."

When we arrive in the training room it's five minutes until six and almost all of the initiates were there except for two. Serena and one of the other Candor girls, Bailey, come in nearly one minute to six.

There are maybe 15 at the least Dauntless born standing on the other side of the room.

He talks to all of them as a whole until they have to split into two different sides, the Dauntless born continue their training with Lauren, while I take on the transfers, Eric facilitates and watches both groups.

"We're going to continue fights," I say to the group. "Bailey!" I shout and she jumps. "You'll fight James," I say pointing to one of the smaller other Candor boys.

Easily I'm bored as I watch the newcomers spar--badly if I say so. Next I call up three other rounds of fighting until everyone got a chance. I help pass time by teaching them new moves I learned from Peter, and correct the stances that were inadequate.

Eric walks over and suggests we move on to knife throwing, a personal favorite of his. He shows everyone once--and only once, how to hold the knife and then throw it. I stand behind the group of initiates with Eric as we marvel at how terrible the majority of them are.

"Knife throwing is an important skill to learn. Elena here in her initiate class learned the hard way the importance." Eric announces to the group and then devilishly smiles at me. Some of the group members murmur in response. "She even has a little scar from it." Eric raises his chin.

I try to act as professional as I can as I nod my head. Serena, Patrick, Fred, Danielle, and two of the Candor boys all hit their target--or close too. That was all the progress made before the bell rings for lunch. The group becomes chattery as they head for the dining hall.

I take my usual table and to my dismay the same group of initiates sit with me again.

Serena seems to be thinking cold and calculated, as Eric sometimes does, when she arrives with her lunch at the table. "So, Eric was your instructor?"

"Years ago," I take a sip of my water. "He was eighteen at the time."

"How? Wasn't he leading Dauntless then?" She tilts her head.

"He was helping out another instructor, Four."

"Is that what he's doing now with you?"

"Why so many questions?" I set my drink down.

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