Chapter 39

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My stomach was growing larger and I grew more and more uncomfortable. My craving remained pickles which I consumed at least two jars daily. My morning sickness has subsided and the large apartment is something I still can't get over--it's beautiful.

Ean turned two years old, two months ago and Emery was now nearly seven months old. I'm nearly six months pregnant and I'm ready to get these children out of me. I stare out the window in the living and for some reason I start thinking of Eric's brother, Daniel, I wonder if I'll see him when the twins are born.

I hear the door open, it's Eric. He went shopping for some supplies for the boys. We had already set up the two cribs in their tan colored room.

"How was shopping?" I call out to him from the couch. I grab the jar of pickles off the coffee table that is next to a baby book I've been studying.

"Good. I got a shit ton." He says dropping bags all over the floor.

My eyes widen at all the stuff he bought. "Such spoiled children we have," I smirk. "Wanna figure out what to name twin number two today? I kind of like Emmett, that's not to close to Emery, right?"

"Really? You think it's not too close? I don't know, it might be." He scratches his chin.

"I don't like any of the other boys names," I whine. "Maybe name him after you?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know if this world could handle another Eric Coulter." He jokes.

I chuckle, "true." I pause and look at the book. "How about Elliott? Wait no..too close to Eli," I ponder some more. "Edison?"

"Are you kidding me?" He peers over at me with an eyebrow raised.

I groan and throw the book to him, he catches it with one hand. "You take a look then, there's nothing. I mean," I think in my head, "Edgar?"

"These names all suck." Eric sighs and shakes his head.

"That's what I'm saying! We can't just changed the first letter either...that's not fair to him." I pick up my jar of pickles again and devour the jar as Eric sits across from me skimming through the book.

"Esmond? Edmond? Any of those?" He says briefly looking up at me after flipping through the pages.

"Edmond sounds fine," I shrug my shoulders. "Eli and Edmond?"

"Any other options?" He winks.

I frown. "Ennis?" I groan tired of thinking of all these awful E names.

"Ennis the penis."

"Not funny," I begin to laugh. "Fine, Ennis is out."

"We're done. It's decided, Edmond. This is giving me a headache. The next one better be a girl."

"There are so many pretty girls name," I sigh. "Eliza, Everly, Emily, Ellie, Emerald..." the list goes on.

"Hopefully we'll get to use one."

"Or maybe baby number five will be a boy again and we'll be cursed. I blame you."

He frowns. "Maybe we're just meant to have an army of men."

"Too much testosterone for me; count me out." I struggle to get off the couch, I walk over to where Eric is sitting and I kiss him on the cheek. "It's getting late, I'm going to bed."

"I'll join after I check on my boys." He smirks.


*four and a half months later*

I've always been early and now; I'm a week past my due date. I'm miserable and it's blistering hot in the apartment and the children have been energetic and screaming all day driving me crazy. I can barely move off the couch. Eric took the day off, actually he took the week off in case I were to go into labor at anytime.

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