Chapter 23

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Later on in the evening, I had just set Ean down for the night and I look at the clock, Eric should've gotten out of work by now. He hasn't showed up and I thought for sure he would disobey my command and show up yelling and possibly taking Ean but...nothing. No sign of him.

I still have the guards outside my door and for the most part I can overhear their caddy conversations. I don't bother listening to the nonsense spoken and I head into Ean's room. I look at my sleeping son, so peaceful. Ean looks so much like Eric it pains me. I love Ean more than anything in the world and I hope to all things good that he DOESN'T choose Dauntless, I hope he gets out of this hellhole and away from his manipulative, vile, handsome, blue eyed, tender...what am I saying, I snap out of it.

I walk out of his plain colored nursery and back into the living room where I hear a familiar voice talking outside the door to the guard. Not Eric, but Peter.

I open the door. "Peter?"

Peter smiles at me and invites himself in my apartment taking a seat on the couch.

"Where's Eric?" I say softly and as casual as possibly--but fail sounding territorial.

"Out. You didn't hear?" Peter's eyebrows raise and a mischievous smile appears.

"Hear what?" My heart falls down to my stomach.

"I heard him and Vanessa were putting on quite the show tonight. All eyes were on them as they hit the dancefloor. Pretty saucy stuff. I figured you would know." Peter fakes the surprise in his voice.

I don't feel angry, nor sad, but I feel as though enough is enough and now there is no doubt in my mind. "Peter," my voice trembling. "I need your help."

"With what?"

"I need you to help Ean and I escape, out of Dauntless." I say with complete seriousness.

Peter laughs loudly. "I would get killed."

"I'll never tell you helped me. No one would know. Please," I plea. "At least turn your back as I make a run for it. Give me a head start wait until Eric see's I'm gone. If he asks you where I am and you say I don't know--at least you won't be lying."

"Elena, stop being so overdramatic. Just find yourself a man and get over him like he's clearly gotten over you."

"You don't understand Peter. He won't let me, I'm bound to Eric. He won't let me into the Dauntless compound and every guy I've tried being with, you, Harrison-Kyle, he's either killed them or used them against me. I'm bound to him by Ean. There's no finding another man. I'm his property to kick around." I almost see a glimmer of sympathy in his eyes. "Please Peter I'm begging you. Help me." I grab onto his arm.

"It's dangerous. Plus, Ean... I don't think this is a good idea, but I'll help you for the kids sake."

I wrap my arms around Peter and hug him tightly. I rush over to Ean's room and pack baby bottles, diapers, clothes, and stuff the supply in a baby bag. I grab Ean and look at Peter who looks hesitant in helping me. "We have to make one stop first. Trail further behind me and make it look like you aren't following me.

He tells the guards some made up story and they leave their post, I make my way to my stop--intelligence.

"Elena, what are you doing here?" Four says with wide eyes.

"Four, there's no time for questions. I just need you to do what I say. " I give him commands on what video tape feed to cut out in the hallways I'll be taking. I say goodbye and they nod not asking me a single question. I head down the halls where the surveillance is no longer working. Peter is at my side.

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