Chapter 25

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Vanessa has stopped coming around and things have returned to...relatively normal. Still I'm not able to leave and guards are always at the apartment. Peter drops by sometimes even though Eric doesn't like it.

Eric somehow got today off and so we thought it'd be a great opportunity to teach Ean to walk. Eric stood across the hall as I'm crouched with Ean on the opposite side. "Go to daddy," I say slightly letting go of Ean as he wobbles to stay still. He falls and I catch him. Laughing and babbling like always.

Eric crouches down and holds his arms out. Ean smiles and starts to take his first few steps as I watch in amazement at my sons accomplishment.

"Atta boy! Strong and nothing can stop you- just like your daddy." Eric encourages.

In the moment I'm overwhelmed and I blurt out something I quickly regret. "I want another."

"No." Eric's spits out so fast he barely even knows it. His eyes grow wide and then he narrows them. "This is a joke right? Or are you looking for a fight?"

I stop dead looking almost through his eyes. He looks kinda angry too. I didn't mean to suggest it, it just sort of slipped out and now. Now the idea won't leave my head. "No," I say blantly. "I-I..." I debate on dropping it. But I can't, "I want another."

"This is the calmest things have been with us ever and you want to ruin that?!" His eyebrows furrow.

"No I don't want to ruin anything," I say simply. "I just..." I zone out. "I've just been thinking."

"Don't think. It's not very Dauntless."

"Well I'm not very Dauntless am I," I say referring to all the things he's said and done. "I'm not trying to ruin or start a fight. I just think another child..." I trail off some more becoming embarrassed over the topic. What am I saying I'm nearly eighteen years old...what would I do with two children? I just wanted a big family. Growing up with three sisters was fun and I couldn't imagine being an only child. But Ean... I want to give him the best life I can and him being Eric's son will be hell. He won't have a normal dauntless life. His training and everything will probably be in this room. "Forget it," I say to him.

"Good. Thank you for avoiding the conflict for once." He turns his attention to Ean grabbing and holding his son close to him.

I can't just let it go. It always has to be a fight with Eric and I, we're both stubborn and hot headed and of course I can't let it go. "We really can't talk about it?" I whine.

He looks up from Ean giving me a dirty look. "No." He snarls losing patience.

I move closer across the floor. Ean is in between Eric and I. Ean crashes against my chest and then stays there for comfort--a hug. I scoot closer to Eric who puts his large arms around both of us. My protector. I give him puppy dog eyes. "You don't more mini yous?" I brush Eans hair back with my hand. God, he looks so much like Eric.

"Isn't one of me enough? Aren't we enough?" Eric speaks softly and turns his face away.

"I can't get enough," I grab his jaw and lean him close to my lips. Kissing him. "Come on," I breath to him between soft kisses.

"Elena." He growls. "I know what you're doing." Not attempt to push me away though.

"What you want me to stop?" I smirk knowing the answer.

"I want you to put the baby down and meet me in the bedroom."

I stand up with Ean in my arms and sprint to set him set in his crib. I walk over to the bedroom where Eric already has his shirt--already making me melt. I shut the door and nearly slide down it. He walks up to me his body crushing me against the wall, I wanted to get closer than we are right now but it is physically impossible. I wrap my arms around his neck and push his body toward me. My fingertips trail up and down his hard shoulder blade. Then they find their way to his biceps as I watch every bit of his muscle contract around me, veins popping out. His lips slide against my cheek and down to my neck.

"Eric," I moan and I feel him chuckle against my skin.

His movements become more slow and tortures. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his body and he walks over to the bed laying me down roughly--but I don't mind. He hovers over me taking off my shirt, he trails his hands along my ribs and then my hips, giving me goosebumps. His hands make their way to my breast and I close my eyes as my hands grab onto his elbow.

"Get on with it already," I breathe out.

"Now, now..." his deep voice sending vibrations through me. He kisses along my stomach until his mouth reaches my pant's which he swiftly takes them off...and then bra, completely exposed and vulnerable under him.

I yank at his pants to get things moving along and I think it's getting to him too as I kiss the corners of his mouth.

Now both naked he teases at my entrance and I sigh, "Please,"

He buries his face in the crook of my neck as he thrust in slow. Electricity makes my body shudder and I let out an involuntary moan near his ear. My finger dig into his back piercing his skin as I draw blood.

He pants louder as he's close to his release and I do the same my eyes rolling back in sheer pleasure.

When we finish we lay side by side each other and I can't believe how good we've been getting along, I'm waiting for something bad to happen--I know it's coming too. Right now there's nobody but him and I as I trail my finger along his chest in a circular motion.

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