Chapter 98

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******ONE MONTH LATER********

Today was initiation and I sit in the room of the auditorium and wait for the ranking to be posted. Natalie gives me a nervous glance but I smile at her.

Eighth. She passed and she's now an official member of Dauntless.

We all hug and congratulate her, Phoenix by her side.

"The wedding is tomorrow, remember we're all meeting up and going to Erudite together." I say to them both. Last week they had moved into an apartment of their own.

"I can't wait." Phoenix smiles over at Natalie.

"It'll be lovely." She agrees. "I can't wait to see Emery and Abbey again."

"I'll leave you two to celebrate," I say as I walk away finding Eric.


The day of the wedding is hectic, Eloise and Eli were ready before anyone else was in my apartment. Eero screamed for someone to help him find his tie and shoes while Eric was still in the shower and I had to get ready myself.

Serena, Ean and little Eric came over next and Ean being the saint he is helps Eero find his shit while I get ready in the bedroom. I lay out Eric's clothes as he gets out of the shower.

"I don't know why you decided to shower so late, we have to be there in twenty minutes." I groan as I slip into my black dress.

"Because I don't take an hour to get ready like you do."

I roll my eyes. "Zip me up," I pull my hair up.

"I'd rather be unzipping you." Eric smirks and then complies.

I turn around and kiss him leaving a stain of red on his lips. "Later."

"You know it." He smiles and drops his towel.

"Mom we're here!" Phoenix calls out from the living room.

"That's the last of them. They're waiting on us."

Eric and I finish getting ready and meet the clan in the living as we head off to Erudite together.

Abbey was Erudite born so her entire family and friends were there making us feel terribly misplaced in black.

Emery looked handsome in a navy tux, his hair slightly longer than usual as it's slicked back. He's so tall and skinny and looks just like his father.

I give him a hug and a kiss. "I'm so proud of you."

"I love you mom."

I smile. "I love you too."

Eric wraps his arm around my waist as he ushers me to our row, half of the Coulter family sitting behind us because there's so many.

"I never noticed how beautiful Erudite is," I say admiring the glass building.

"Yeah. I guess." Eric shrugs. "It'll always remind me of a prison."

I nod my head and put my hand on his thigh. "They're getting so old." Emery is twenty now.

"So are we."

I frown, "You're forty."

"Don't mention it." He frowns.

I chuckle slightly and the wedding begins.

It was a beautiful ceremony and Abbey looked stunning in her dress.

Abbey and Emery kiss and they walk down the aisle and the guest follow behind them to the reception party.

Phoenix grabs my arm. "Come with me."

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