Chapter 7

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He anxiously rips off my tee shirt and then swiftly takes off his own. Our bare chests are up against one another not leaving any inch of room between us. His fingers dip into my waist band and hook, he yanks down leaving me completely naked under him. His lips against mine, his tongue fighting for dominance and winning. He shifts his hands toward his own pants as I help him tug his pants down his legs and then somewhere on floor.

He wraps his large arm around my waist and pulls me on top of him, I lean down and kiss him, my hands resting on his chest. All of a sudden I start to get really nervous by his touch, his fingers trailing from my neck down to my spine. His hands grab tight on my butt, I moan against his lips. We switch positions one more time until I'm underneath him.

"Eric," I cry.

"Tell me what you want?" He whispers in my ear.

My cheeks flush with embarrassment, "you."

"What do you want me to do," his hands tease my by rubbing just outside where I need him the most.

"Touch me," I breath out.

His thumb rubs slow circles on me, my nails dig into his forearm, he's driving me absolutely mad. I feel like I'm being tortured by how slow he was going the pleasure begging to be intensified and waiting to explode. "More," I say. His speed begins to pick up, I dig harder into his skin, I'm sure I've broken skin by now. I screw my eyes shut ready to completely succumb. He stops and I whine at his loss of contact but he lines himself up and pushes himself slowly in me. The force feeling slightly better the second time, my fingernails trail down his arm as my muscles loosen up when he's fully in and then tighten up again once he starts moving. With every thrust I have butterflies in my stomach. I open my eyes to look at Eric, his mouth hanging slightly open, sweat dripping along his face. His eyes open, his crystal blue eyes meeting with mine, the contact alone is enough to send the butterflies in my stomach in a frenzy. I screw my eyes shut once more when his thrusts become even fast. Eric kisses along the crook of my neck, the pleasure building up and intensifying, his moans became more frequent along with mine. Eric lets out a loud moan and rides out his high, his face scrunching up and then relaxing. He lays next to me trying to catch his breath as am I.

For a minute he lays there and then suddenly sits up, he hovers over me and grabs my knees pulling them apart. My heart is racing extremely fast, he lowers his head down between my legs. I bite down on my bottom lip nervous, I squirm under him. His mouth is pressed against all the right places, I arch my back I can't sit still, he places one of his hands on my stomach, his strong force keeping down against the bed. I place my hand on top of his and squeeze it slightly with every explosion of pleasure building up inside me.

His other hand trails along me where his tongue is not and pumps two fingers inside me, he picks up his speed and I increase my grip on his hand still holding me down. My moans become louder and my eyes shut tighter as I loosen up and release myself. Shock waves of intense euphoria fill my every fiber. I've never felt anything like this before. My heart still pounding and my breath rapid, Eric lays back down next to me, I can just feel the smirk on his face. I cover my eyes with my hands, I want to say wow but for some reason I'm overcome with guilt.

"We can't do this," I say with a heavy breath.

"Why not?" He turns on his side, his elbow propping him up.

"I know you don't love me," I say to him. "You're just using me and..."

I'm distracted when he places his hand on my stomach. He sits up right, his large hands covering my stomach completely. He plants a kiss and then his blue eyes find a way to mine, "this is my child." He says. For some reason his action and words catch my off guard and I don't know what to say anymore.

He lays back next to me and pulls me close to him, I wrap my arm around him too at first reluctantly but then give in, my hand is on his forearm which I notice is slightly dripping with blood. I thought I'd broke his skin. "You're arm is bleeding." I say trailing my finger around the wound.

"I like it," he looks at it. "The fact that I can actually make you feel this way."

I look away from not letting him see the smirk that grew across from my face. I shut my eyes and listen against Eric's chest, his heart is still beating fast, then again so is mine.


The next morning Eric already left for work. I decide to get ready for the day when I realize I have work in less than an hour. I take a shower and put on my regular clothes and head to intelligence where I'm sure Four and Zeke are already there talking.

I run into Peter on the way there. "Elena," he says to me.

"Peter," I smile back at him.

"Congrats." He says to me.

"On what?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Your pregnancy of course!" He smirks.

"Who told you that?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out." Peter clicks his tongue, winks at me, then walks away.

I scratch at my elbow nervously, ever since Peters comment I notice a lot more eyes staring at me, I grow uncomfortable. Does everyone know? Or am I just paranoid?

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