H2O Delirious-- You're Special, I Just Know It

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A/N - This is a one-shot about the guys and you in Los Santos so imagine all of them as their GTA characters. (pretty common theme tbh)

Prompt: none
Warnings: swearing, kidnapping??
Reader Gender: female


   I sit on a bench at the corner of the street, watching people rush past me. I think about what their lives are like and have a little fun mixing in what I would do if I were them. It's a busy day here in Los Santos. 

   I get bored of myself easily while waiting for him, Benny, my short-time boyfriend. We planned to meet up today, he said to wait for him by the coffee shop and we'd go in together.

   My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out to see I have a text from Benny, or 😊😍💕My Boo💕😍😊, as his contact name states. Please don't stand me up, please don't stand me up... I think over and over again as I unlock my phone, anxiety coursing through my veins.

   😊😍💕My Boo💕😍😊: sry babe, somethin came up can't go

   I sigh, typing a quick text back to say that "it's fine," when really, it isn't. This is the sixth time. Yes, you're hearing me right, he's bailed on me every day this week. I delete that quickly as my annoyance grows and begin typing my real answer.

   Me: actually it's not fine, this is the sixth time. Seriously, this is getting on my nerves. I've been waiting for what feels like hours to hang out with you?? and you say you cant make it?? R u kidding me??

   I feel confident as I send it, having put him in his place. I shove my phone into my pocket as I look back at the people walking. Suddenly, one catches my eye.

   He's tall and looks muscular through his blue sweatshirt. It's zipped just a little and he has a grey shirt underneath. What unnerves me is that he has a Jason Voorhees mask on as he's walking around. He snaps his head toward me and the sight of the mask full on gives me the chills. He stops walking and stands there, frozen. Is he looking at me? That thought gives me another chill. I can't tell for sure if he is.

   After a while, I can't take the scary vibes he's giving me and I stand up. I start to walk to my apartment. I can still feel his eyes on me so I decide it's best to quicken my pace. I glance back and see that he's crossed the road and following behind me. I speed up even further and weave through people, doing a quick sidestep into an alleyway and hoping he walks past, like in the movies.

   This isn't a movie, he steps around the corner in a brisk fashion, scaring the shit out of me. I gasp and stumble back. Upon a closer look, I see he's about six foot and has two baby blue eyes that shine like beacons through his mask.

   "What do you want from me?" I ask in high pitched voice. Curse you, adrenaline! I always get squeaky when I'm scared.

   He laughs and the first thought that comes to my mind is, wow that is one HOT laugh. Can we just say thank you to my mind for being as useless as possible?

   "I'm not gonna take anything. Well, scratch that, I'm gonna take you." I can almost hear the smile in his words. I can't tell what his face looks like from the mask. Judging by his laugh, and his voice, he's probably hot. My subconscious quietly comments on him in the back of my head. I shake my head.

   "Wait. What?" I cock my head to the side.

   "You're special, I just know it." He says. "I'm gonna show you to the guys."

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