Terroriser-- Hangin' With my Boys

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I kick the door in on my best friend's house. "I'm here bitches!" I scream out and Seán comes running up to me with a bottle already in his hand, Brian not too far behind him.

"(Y/N)!" Seán cheers, trying to take the case of beer I had brought from me. I hold it out of his reach.

"Screw yourself this is for the owner of this house." I graciously hand the case to Brian who sticks his tongue out and Seán goes towards him. "Hey!" I get between the two. "Be nice while I'm here or I'll have to punish you two!" I see Seán turn around and present his ass.

"Punish me Mommy!" He cries and I knee him in the butt and he falls over, purposely moaning.

"Me too!" Brian steps up. "Quick put your hands around my throat."

"Oh my god you two..." I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. I shove past the both of them and head to the living room, grabbing myself a bottle of Guinness and plopping onto the couch.

They come into the room and sit down on either side of me. "Wanna make a video with us?" Brian asks and I shrug.

"Why not?" I say and they cheer.

"Ooo!" Seán raises his hand for a couple seconds. "Let's do another lip reading challenge but this time with three people!" Brian nods.

"Sounds like a plan!" I say.

Brian sets up and begins recording. I raise my hand excitedly, making sounds. "Yes (Y/N)?" Brian asks.

"Can I do the intro?" I look between the both of them. "Seán got to before!"

"Why not, go ahead." Brian waved his hand at me and I shift in my seat before looking at the camera.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N) and welcome to Terroriser's channel. We are going to be reading each other's lips with headphones on and the music blasting- can I restart?" I stop and look at them, they nod.

"What's up my homies!" I start laughing and they do to. "Sorry... redo!"

"Go on," Seán looks at the camera and I do too.

"What's up guys!" I wave. "You don't know who I am but I don't give any shites or fucks." I nod, the guys snickering next to me. "BUT! You do know these sons of bitches from other videos so you can infer that we are here to make another one of those! So! What we will be doing is one person will think of a sentence and try to tell the other person it while the other people both have headphones with blaring music. Then the person with repeat what they heard to the next person and I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to catch onto what is happening while you watch so I'm gonna shut the hell up!"

"Perfect." Brian says after a few seconds and I smile with closed eyes. "Put these on now." He hands me the headphones and I put them on, Seán putting his own on next to me.

I turn on Pandora on my phone and 2 Phones by Kevin Gates comes on so I start dancing. I feel Brian tap my shoulder and I look at him.

"I fuck ducks on Saturday with pineapples watching." Is what I read from his lips and I start laughing super hard. He looks at me sideways.

I turn to Seán and pull down my headphones. He looks at me and I open my mouth to speak but start laughing. I calm myself before I speak. "I fuck ducks on Saturday with pineapples watching." He looks at my lips and I repeat what I said, Brian dying of laughter. He looks at me weirdly before answering.

"I fuck ducks on Saturday with pineapples watching." Seán repeats back, I look surprised.

"That's exactly what I said, how are you so good?" I ask and he shrugs.

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