Vanoss-- Lazy Sunday

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Evan's P.O.V.

I wrap my arms around (Y/N)'s sleeping form once I get under the covers. I had just gotten done recording with the guys and I want to get some sleep before I edit the footage. She begins to stir, rolling over to face me. I mentally curse myself out because I didn't want to wake her. She opens her sleepy (E/C) eyes to looks at me.

"Finally coming to bed Mr. Night Owl?" She asks with a soft tone and an adorable smile. I chuckle at her and she curls into my chest.

"Yes, ma'am." I rest my chin on the top of her head. She rests her hands on my chest and uses one of my arms as a pillow. A short silence fills the room.

"You're so cold." She comments, taking one of my hands and rubbing it with her own.

"Here," I start to get up and she whines, questioning me. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick." I head to the bathroom with some sweats and a pair of clean boxers, leaving her smiling on the bed.

*Time Skip*

When I get out I dry my hair so it's not sopping wet and quickly change into my sweatpants, leaving the bathroom. She's laying down again and her eyes are closed but I doubt she's actually sleeping.

I slip under the covers once more and she moves so she's close to me again. "You didn't need to shower." Her voice comes out in a giggle. I shrug as I pull her into my chest.

"It warmed me up didn't it?" I ask with a smirk and it's her turn to shrug. Her hands tickle as they find their way back to my bare chest. She looks up at me and I kiss her nose, making her blush in the dim light.

"I suppose." She mumbles, yawning. We get into a comfortable position and quickly fall asleep.

*Time Skip*

I wake up to (Y/N) pawing at my chest. I groggily open my eyes and see her with a cheeky grin on her face. The room is full to the brim with sunlight and some stray rays from the curtains stab into my eyes. I squint a little and she notices, moving in front of the light.

"Good morning!" She cheerfully says.

"Morning..." I say, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and sitting up. "What time is it?"

"Time to get up and start the day." She giggles and I playfully roll my eyes at her.

"The real time." I smile.

"Uh... hold on." She bends over the edge of the bed and reaches for something, most likely her phone. Her shirt falls up her back and exposes her electric blue underwear with black lace. She sits up again and clicks on her phone. "Eleven twenty." She looks up at me, looking slightly worried.

"What's wrong?" I ask with a frown, genuinely confused.

"You're not mad that it's late?" She asks me. I realize she's talking about getting a video out today. I shake my head no.

"It's Sunday, I'm not in any rush." She smiles at that and gets out of the bed, me following soon after. "By the way, nice panties." I emphasize panties, she hates it when I use that word. I see her cringe from her side if the bed.

"Oh shut up!" She laughs and I smirk a little. She slips on some black short shorts and walks past me, out to the kitchen. I follow behind her, not bothering to change.

I walk into the kitchen and see her we trying to reach the cereal on top of the fridge. It's on the way back edge and she looks like she's having troubles. I reach over her and grab the box. She looks at me and holds out her hand like I'm going to give her the box but I walk away with it just to piss her off. She huffs out an annoyed sigh but I hear it waver like she's trying not to laugh.

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